Professor Ioannis P. Gerothanassis PhD, DSc


Research Philosophy

According to a wide range of international statistics and league tables, the key performance indicators to assess the research performance may include:

  • Research volume:
    1. Total research outcome in terms of number of publications, number of MSc and PhD thesis
    2. National research income.
    3. International research income.
    4. Research income from industry.

  • Research quality:
    1. Impact factor of journals, number of citations excluding self-citations, invitations for plenary lectures in International Conferences, national and international prices.
    2. Vigorous assessment by subject expert panels.
    3. Subject areas that have been rated internationally excellent.
    4. Postgraduate and post doctorate population.
    5. % of international MSc and PhD students.

Supervision of PhD and MSc Students

Fifteen (15) PhD students have completed their thesis under my supervision  (the number scor respond to the list of publications):

  1. C. Vakka (1997), publications 40, 46, 47, 53, 54, 59
  2. C. Kalodimos (1998), publications 52, 55, 62, 63, 64, 65, 70, 71, 74
  3. V. Exarchou (2001), publications 67, 77, 82, 83, 84
  4. A. Tzakos (2006), publications 85, 86, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98
  5. K. Tsanaktsidis (2006), publications 43, 51, 87
  6. E. Tatsis (2008), publications 81, 101, 103
  7. C. Barbarosou (2007), publication 78, 82, 97
  8. I. Leontari (2008), publication 102
  9. V. Goulas (2009), publications 104, 108, 115
  10. V. Kontogianni (2009), publications 105, 111, 114, 123
  11. A.A. Nerantzaki (2010), publication 122, 124
  12. P. Charisiadis (2012), publications 109, 111, 113, 118, 123, 133, 134, 145,
  13. A. Primikyri (2013), publications 120, 123, 130, 135, 153.
  14. E. Alexandri (2022), publications 171, 173.
  15. Dr. Th. Venianakis(2023, co-supervision), publications 182, 181, 180, 169, 167, 165

Eight (8) MSc students have completed their thesis under my supervision.

Academic / Research Career of my Former PhD Students

  1. Kalodimos, C. <>, Professor, Dept. of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Rutgers University, USA.
  2. Tzakos, A. <>, Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, Greece.
  3. Tsanaktsidis, K. <>, Professor, University of West Macedonia, Greece.
  4. Tatsis, E., Group Leader – Centre of Excellence for Plant and Microbial Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China.
  5. Goulas, V. <>, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Sciences, Cyprus Univ. of Technology, Cyprus.
  6. Dr. Kontogianni V., Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina.
  7. Dr. Exarchou, V. <>, Specific Research and Teaching Scientist, UoI, Greece.
  8. Nerantzaki, A., Specific Research and Teaching Scientist, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.

Post doctorate Collaborators

Ten postdoctorate research associates carried out research activities under my supervision.

Current Research Group at the University of Ioannina

  1. Dr. Primikyri A., Post doctorate researcher 
  2. Dr. Papamokos, Post doctorate researcher 
  3. Venianakis Th., Post doctorate researcher 
  4. Stambouli, O., MSc student

Current Research Groupat ICCBS

My current research group at the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (H. E. J. Research Institute of Chemistry), University of Karachi, Pakistan, has as follows:

  1. Mr. Raheel Ahmed, PhD student
  2. Ms. Hira Fatima, M.Phil student.
  3. Mr. Raza Mohsin, M.Phil. student

Academic Research Collaborators


Manganaris, G. <>, As. Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Sciences, Cyprus Univ. of Technology

Miltiadou, D. <>, Lecturer, Dept. of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Sciences, Cyprus Univ. of Technology

Tzamaloukas, O. <>, As, Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Sciences, Cyprus Univ. of Technology


Fotsis, T. <>, Professor of Medical School, UoI

Lekka, C. <>, Ass. Professor, Dept. of Material Sciences Engineering, UoI

Siskos, M. <>, As. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, UoI

Tselepis, A. <>, Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, UoI

Likas, A. <>, Professor, Dept. of Computer Science &Engineering ,UoI

Tzakos A. <>, Ass. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, UoI

Tsimidou, M. <>, Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, AUTh

Lamari, F. <>, Ass. Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, Univ. of Patras

Matsoukas, I. <>, Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Patras


Luchinat, C. <>, Professor, CERM, Univ. of Florence

Russo, N. <>, Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Calabria


Choudhary, I.M. <>, Professor, Director of International Center for Chemical & Biological Sciences, Univ. of Karachi

Atia-tul-Wahab <>, Ass. Professor, International Center for Chemical & Biological Sciences, Univ. of Karachi

Hina Siddiqui <>, Ass. Professor, International Center for Chemical & Biological Sciences, Univ. of Karachi

Farzana Shaheen <>, Professor, International Center for Chemical & Biological Sciences, Univ. of Karachi

Yan Wang <>, Ass. Professor, International Center for Chemical & Biological Sciences, Univ. of Karachi 

Farooq Ahmad Khan <>, Ass. Professor, International Center for Chemical & Biological Sciences, Univ. of Karachi


Stojanovic, I. <>, Professor, Dept. of Immunology, Institute for Biological Research ‘Sinisa Stankovic’, Univ. of Belgrade.


Ing. Jan Vacek<>, Professor, Dept. of of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Palacký University Olomouc.


TeobaldKupka, <;>, Professor, University of Opole, Faculty of Chemistry, Opole, Poland.

Collaborations with Industries and non-Academic Institutions

  1. VIVARTIA Cyprus Ltd, Dairy Industry, research and innovation on dairy bio products, Cyprus.
  2. Christis – Charalambidis Dairy Ltd Industry, research and innovation on dairy bio products, Cyprus.
  3. Bionian Cluster, innovative cluster in bio – medical research (anticancer drugs) and innovation.
  4. Regulon Inc (USA) and Regulon AE (Greece), biopharmaceutical Company on anticancer drugs, research and innovation.
  5. Region of Epirus, Greece, on cleaning wastewater systems and microalgae biomass to produce biofuels and biochemicals.


  • Bioorganic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Structural Biology

  1. NMR studies in solution of: a) Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL anti-apoptotic proteins; b) Mapping of serum albumin protein (BSA, HSA)-ligand (free fatty acids, drugs) interactions.
  2. NMR and molecular dynamics calculations-investigation of solvation-hydration phenomena of cis/trans amides, model peptides and peptide hormones-origin of cis isomer stabilization in proteins.
  3. Multidisciplinary approach for decoding the chemoprevention mechanism of biophenols from plant natural products: isolation, structure analysis and biological evaluation.
  4. Biocatalysis: Use of enzymes for biocatalytic transformations of natural products. Structural investigation using saturation transfer (STD) NMR, TR-NOESY.
  5. ‘In-cell’ NMR: Interaction of natural products with Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL anti-apoptotic proteins at cellular level.
Quercetin binds
Quercetin binds directly to the BH3 domain of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL proteins, thereby inhibiting their activity and promoting cancer cell apoptosis.

[A. Primikyri, M.V. Chatziathanasiadou, E. Karali, E. Kostaras, M. D. Mantzaris, E. Hatzimichael, J.-S. Shin, S.-W. Chi, E. Briasoulis, E. Kolettas, I.P. Gerothanassis*, A.G. Tzakos*, ACS Chem. Biol. 9, 2737-2741 (2014)].

n-cell NMR
In-cell NMR
In-cell NMR 2
  1. 1H NMR spectrum of two quercetin derivatives with cells.
  2. STD NMR of two quercetin derivatives with cells.
  3. STD of mixture of two quercetin derivatives and a selective inhibitor of BCL-2 with the cells.


[A. Primikyri,* N. Sayyad, G. Quilici, E.I. Vrettos, K. Lim, S.-W. Chi, G. Musco, I.P. Gerothanassis, A.G. Tzakos*, FEBS Letters, 592, 3367-3379 (2018)].

NMR tube bioreactor
The advantages of the use of the NMR tube bioreactor

[A.V. Chatzikonstantinou, A. Tsiailanis, I.P. Gerothanassis, H. Stamatis, E. Ravera, M. Fragai, C. Luchinat, G. Parigi, A.G. Tzakos, Method. Enzymol., 633, 71-101 (2020)].

[A. Chatzikonstantinou, M. Chatziathanasiadou, E. Ravera, M. Fragai, G. Parigi, I. Gerothanassis; C. Luchinat, H. Stamatis, A. Tzakos*, BBA – General Subjects, 1862, 1-8 (2018)].


  • NMR Structural Studies and Analytical Applications in Natural Products Chemistry and Food Chemistry (

  1. Identification and quantitative evaluation of natural products in complex plant extracts by the use of high resolution one- and two- dimensional COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY, 1H–13C HSQC and HMBC NMR.
  2. Use of coupled methodologies of HPLC-SPE-NMR.
  3. Simultaneous NMR identification and quantification of polyphenol compounds of plant extracts without isolation and derivatization steps.
  4. NMR studies of dairy products without chromatographic separation. Use of NMR spin chromatographic techniques.
NMR spin chromatographic techniques

The first NMR direct and unequivocal identification of four geometric 18:2 conjugated linolenic acid isomers was achieved. The sensitivity and resolution NMR barriers were overcome with selective suppression of the major NMR resonances and reduced 13C spectral width in the 1H–13C HSQC experiment.


The method is applicable in the lipid fraction of lyophilized milk and does not require further isolation or derivatization steps; it is selective, sensitive and has very good analytical characteristics. [C.G. Tsiafoulis, T. Skarlas, O. Tzamaloukas, D. Miltiadou and I.P. Gerothanassis, Anal. Chim. Acta, 821, 62-71 (2014)].

NMR spin chromatographic techniques 2
Spin chromatogram of the lipid fraction of a lyophilized cheese sample in CDCl3

[A.V. Chatzikonstantinou, A. Tsiailanis, I.P. Gerothanassis, H. Stamatis, E. Ravera, M. Fragai, C. Luchinat, G. Parigi, A.G. Tzakos, Method. Enzymol., 633, 71-101 (2020)].

[A. Chatzikonstantinou, M. Chatziathanasiadou, E. Ravera, M. Fragai, G. Parigi, I. Gerothanassis; C. Luchinat, H. Stamatis, A. Tzakos*, BBA – General Subjects, 1862, 1-8 (2018)].

  • DFT Calculation of 1H NMR Chemical Shifts as Tools of High-Resolution Structures in Solution

  1. Use of 1H NMR chemical shift calculations as a tool for investigating the nature of hydrogen bonding.
  2. DFT calculations of 1H NMR chemical shifts for obtaining ultra-high-resolution structures in solution-Beyond the limits of x-ray and neutron diffraction methods.
⮊ DFT Calculation of 1H NMR Chemical Shifts as Tools of High-Resolution Structures in Solution

[S.H. Mari, P.C. Varras, A.-tul-Wahab*, I.M. Choudhary, M.G. Siskos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules, 24, 2290 (2019)].

[M.G. Siskos, M.I. Choudhary, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Tetrahedron, 74, 4728-4737 (2018)].

[M.G. Siskos, M.I. Choudhary, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 15, 4655-4666 (2017)].

[M.G. Siskos, M.I. Choudhary, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules 22, 415 (2017].

[M.G. Siskos, M.I. Choudhary, A.G. Tzakos and I.P. Gerothanassis*, Tetrahedron. 72, 8287-8293 (2016)].

[M.G. Siskos, A.G. Tzakos and I.P. Gerothanassis*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 13, 8852-8868 (2015)].

  • NMR and DFT Studies of the Catalytic Role of Water
NMR and DFT Studies of the Catalytic Role of Water

The unique catalytic role of water in aromatic C–H activation at neutral pH was investigated with the use of NMR experiments and DFT calculations of polyphenolic compounds. This approach opens a new vista for the combined use of NMR and DFT studies as tools to understand the molecular basis of the catalytic role of water.

[A. Fayaz, M.G. Siskos,* P.C. Varras, M.I. Choudhary, A.-tul-Wahab, I.P.Gerothanassis*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 22, 17401-17411 (2020).

  • NMR and DFT studies of eutectic mixtures
NMR and DFT studies of eutectic mixtures

The minimum energy conformers of phenol compounds (used as molecular senors)+2H2O+DMSO solvation complexes exhibit common structural properties which provides the first atomic level interpretation of particular properties of eutectic mixtures.

[S. Fatima, P.C. Varras, A.tul-Wahab,* M. I. Choudhary, M.G. Siskos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, Submitted (2020).

  • Research in Chemical Education
The main objectives of my research in the field of chemical education could be summarized as follows:
  • To engage students in applying chemistry concepts, in developing skills, and in applying them in research practices.
  • To apply major concepts, theoretical principles and experimental findings in chemistry with particular emphasis in spectroscopy.
  • To investigate undergraduate chemistry students’ views and knowledge on some basic aspects and concepts of spectroscopy and use of analogies to aid students in understanding spectroscopic concepts.
Periodicity in the NMR Shielding and the Orbital-Size Factor
Periodicity in the NMR Shielding and the Orbital-Size Factor

[I.P. Gerothanassis, C.G. Kalodimos, J. Chem. Educ. 73, 801-804 (1996)].

Students’ declarative knowledge about basic concepts and features of spectroscopy, such as the physical meaning of ‘wavenumber’in IR spectroscopy and of ‘part per million’in NMR spectroscopy, ‘performing integration, and the ‘resolving power’ of a spectrometer, the results were mostly poor. Interestingly, a clear difference was observed between performance on questions at the high versus the basic level of declarative knowledge.  

[O.A. Stambuli, S. Pegka, G. Tsaparlis, I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Chem. Educ., Accepted(2023).

Total Number of References, h-index

7200 (Google scholar), h-index 46

He is also included within the top 2% of scientists of their main subfield discipline (Stanford University,


  • Publications in International Journal

One hundred eighty-three (183) papers with a mean impact factor of ~4.3. The titles, the authors and the journals of the publications are listed below (*denotes the author to whom correspondence should be addressed).

  1. “Undergraduate Chemistry Students’ Views and Metacognitive Knowledge on Some Basic Aspects and Concepts of Spectroscopy”. O.A. Stambοuli, S. Pegka, I.P. Gerothanassis, and G. Tsaparlis*, J. Chem. Educ., Accepted (2023).
  2. “Structural Studies of Monounsaturated and ω-3 Polyunsaturated Free Fatty Acids in Solution with the Combined Use of NMR and DFT calculations-Comparison with the Liquid State”. T. Venianakis, M. Siskos, G. Papamokos*, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules,28(16), 6144 (2023).
  3. “Molecular Basis for the Selectivity of DHA and EPA in Sudlow’s Drug Binding Sites in Human Serum Albumin with the Combined Use of NMR and Docking Calculations”. E. Alexandri, T. Venianakis, A. Primikyri*, G. Papamokos* and I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules, 28, 3724 (2023).
  4. “NMR and DFT Studies of Monounsaturated and ω-3 Polyunsaturated Free Fatty Acids in The Liquid State Reveal a Novel Atomistic Structural Model of DHA”. T. Venianakis, M. Siskos, G. Papamokos* and I.P.  Gerothanassis*, J. Mol. Liq., 376, 121459 (2023).
  5. “A Lifetime Career Dedicated to Remarkable Services in “Natural Products Sciences””. H. Hussain, H. Siddiqui and I.P. Gerothanassis, Front. Pharmacol. 14:1119419. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1119419 (2023).
  6. “Ligand-Observed In-Tube NMR in Natural Products Research: A Review on Enzymatic Biotransformations, Protein-Ligand Interactions, and In-Cell NMR Spectroscopy”. I.P. Gerothanassis, Arab. J. Chem., 16, 104536 (2023).
  7. “ANTIAGE-DB: A Database and Server for Natural Anti-Aging Compounds Targeting Elastase, Hyaluronidase and Tyrosinase”. C.D. Papaemmanouil, J. Peña-García, A.J. Banegas-Luna, A. Kostagianni, I.P. Gerothanassis, H. Pérez-Sánchez, A.G. Tzakos, Antioxidants, 11(11), 2268. (2022).
  8. “Structural basis of Artemisinin Binding Sites in Serum Albumin with the Combined Use of NMR and Docking Calculations”. A. Primikyri*, G. Papamokos, T. Venianakis, M. Sakka, V. Kontogianni, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules, 27, 5912. (2022).
  9. “Ultrasonic-Assisted Synthesis of Amantadine Derivatives- In Vitro Urease and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activities, Mechanistic, and Computational Studies”. M. Raza, F. Rizvi, M. Khan, S. Ullah, R. Ahmad, I.P Gerothanassis, A.-t. Wahab, H. Siddiqui, M.I. Choudhary, J. Mol. Struct., 1266, 133544 (2022).
  10. “DFT Calculations ofδ(13C) and δ(1H) Chemical Shifts and 3J(13C-O-O-1H) Coupling Constants as Structural and Analytical Tools in Hydroperoxides: Prospects and Limitations of 1H-13C HMBC Experiments”. R. Ahmed, M.G. Siskos*, H. Siddiqui*, I.P. Gerothanassis, Magn. Reson. Chem., 2022;60:970–984, (2022).
  11. “NMR and Computational Studies Reveal Novel Aspects in Molecular Recognition of Unsaturated Fatty Acids with Non-Labeled Serum Albumin”. E. Alexandri, A. Primikyri, G. Papamokos, T. Venianakis, V.G. Gkalpinos, A.G. Tzakos, A. Karydis-Messinis, D. Moschovas, A. Avgeropoulos and I.P. Gerothanassis, FEBS Journal, 289, 5617-5636 (2022).
  12. “Analytical and Structural Tools of Lipid Hydroperoxides: Present State and Future Perspectives”. V.G. Kontogianni* and I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules, 27, 2139 (2022).
  13. “Serum Albumin as a Primary Non-covalent Binding Protein for Nitro-oleic Acid”. LenkaHernychová; Eleni Alexandri, Andreas G. Tzakos; M. Zatloukalová, A, Primikyri, I.P. Gerothanassis, L. Uhrik, M. Šebela, D. Kopečný, L. Jedinak, J. Vacekc, Int. J. Biomol. Macromol., 203, 116-129 (2022).
  14. “Characterization of Protocatechuate 4,5-Dioxygenase from Pseudarthrobacterphenanthrenivorans Sphe3 and in situ reaction monitoring in the NMR tube”. E. Tsagogiannis, E. Vandera, A. Primikyri, S. Asimakoula, A. Tzakos, A.I. Koukkou, I.P. Gerothanassis, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, 9647. (2021).
  15. “Molecular Models of Three ω-3 Fatty Acids Based on NMR and DFT Calculations of 1H NMR Chemical Shifts”. T. Venianakis, A. Primikyri, E. Alexandri, G. Papamokos*, I.P. Gerothanassis*, J. Mol. Liq.342, 117460 (2021).
  16. “On the Molecular Basis of H2O/DMSO Eutectic Mixtures by Using Natural Products as Molecular Sensors: A Combined NMR and DFT Study”. S. Fatima, P.C. Varras,A.tul-Wahab,* M. I. Choudhary, M.G. Siskos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 15645-15658 (2021).
  17. “DFT Calculations of 1H NMR Chemical Shifts of Geometric Isomers of Conjugated Linolenic Acids, Hexadecatrienyl Pheromones and Model Triene-Containing Compounds: Structures in Solution and Revision of NMR Assignments”. T. Venianakis, Ch. Oikonomaki, M.G. Siskos*, A. Primikyri, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules, 26, 3477. (2021).
  18. “NMR and Computational Studies as Analytical and High-Resolution Structural Tool for Complex Hydroperoxides and Endo-Hydroperoxides of Fatty Acids in Solution – Exemplified by Methyl Linolenate”. R. Ahmed, P.C. Varras, M.G. Siskos, H. Siddiqui*, M.I. Choudhary, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules, 25, 4902, doi: 10.3390/molecules25214902 (2020).
  19. “DFT Calculations of 1H- and 13C-NMR Chemical Shifts of Geometric Isomers of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (18:2 ω-7) and Model Compounds in Solution”. T. Venianakis, C. Oikonomaki, M.G. Siskos*, P.C. Varras, A. Primikyri, E. Alexandri, I.P. Gerothanassis, Molecules, 25(16), 3660, doi: 10.3390/molecules25163660 (2020).
  20. “The Unique Catalytic Role of Water in Aromatic C–H Activation at Neutral pH: A Combined NMR and DFT Study of Polyphenolic Compounds”. A. Fayaz, M.G. Siskos*, P.C. Varras, M.I. Choudhary, A.-tul-Wahab, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 17401-17411 (2020).
  21. “The Fleeting Existence of the Classical Vinyl Cation Structure”. P.C. Varras*, M.G. Siskos, P. Gritzapis, I.P. Gerothanassis, Mol. Phys., DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2020.1752402 (2020).
  22. “DFT Calculations of O-H….O 1H NMR Chemical Shifts in Investigating Enol – Enol Tautomeric Equilibria: Probing the Impacts of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding vs Stereoelectronic Interactions”. M.G. Siskos*, P.C. Varras, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Tetrahedron, 76(9), 130979 (2020).
  23. “The NMR Tube Bioreactor”. A.V. Chatzikonstantinou, A. Tsiailanis, I.P. Gerothanassis, H. Stamatis, E. Ravera, M. Fragai, C. Luchinat, G. Parigi, A.G. Tzakos, Method. Enzymol., 633, 71-101 (2020).
  24. “Simultaneous Determination of Artemisinin and its Analogues and Flavonoids in Artemisia Annua Crude Extracts with the use of NMR Spectroscopy”. V.G. Kontogianni*, A. Primikyri, M. Sakka, I.P. Gerothanassis,Magn. Reson. Chem., 58, 232–244 (2020).
  25. “Functional Stability of Goat’s Milk Yoghurt Supplemented with Pistacia Atlantica Resin Extracts and Saccharomyces Boulardii”. E. Hadjimbei, G. Botsaris*, V. Goulas, E. Alexandri, V. Gekas,I.P. Gerothanassis, Int. J. Dairy Technol., 73, 134-143 (2020).
  26. “Valorization of Carob Fruits Residues for the Preparation of Novel Bi-Functional Polyphenolic Coating for Food Packaging Applications”. V. Goulas, L. Hadjivasileiou, A. Primikyri, C. Michael, G. Botsaris, A. Τzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis, Molecules, 24, 3162 (2019).
  27. “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Screening of Changes in Fatty Acid and Cholesterol Content of Ovine Milk Induced by Ensiled Olive Cake Inclusion in Chios Sheep Diets”. S. Symeou, C.G. Tsiafoulis, I.P. Gerothanassis, D. Miltiadou, O. Tzamaloukas, Small Ruminant Res., 177, 111-116 (2019).
  28. “Solvent-Dependent Structures of Natural Products Based on the Combined Use of DFT Calculations and 1H-NMR Chemical Shifts”. S.H. Mari, P.C. Varras, A.-tul-Wahab*, I.M. Choudhary, M.G. Siskos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules, 24, 2290 (2019); doi:10.3390/molecules24122290.
  29. “NMR-ΒasedΜetabolomics of the Lipid Fraction of Organic and Conventional Bovine Milk”. C.G. Tsiafoulis*, C. Papaemmanouil, D. Alivertis, O. Tzamaloukas, D. Miltiadou, S. Balayssac, M. Malet-Martino, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules, 24, 1067 (2019).
  30. 1H‐13C HMBC NMR Experiments as a Structural and Analytical Tool for the Characterization of Elusive Trans/Cis Hydroperoxide Isomers from Oxidized Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Solution”. R. Ahmed, H. Siddiqui,* M.I. Choudhary, I.P. Gerothanassis,* Magn. Reson. Chem., 57, S67-S74 (2019).
  31. “Probing the Interaction of a Quercetin Bioconjugate with Bcl-2 in Living Human Cancer Cells with In-cell NMR Spectroscopy”. A. Primikyri,* N. Sayyad, G. Quilici, E.I. Vrettos, K. Lim, S.-W. Chi, G. Musco, I.P. Gerothanassis, A.G. Tzakos*, FEBS Letters, 592, 3367-3379 (2018).
  32. “DFT-Calculated Structures Based on 1H NMR Chemical Shifts in Solution vs. Structures Solved by Single-Crystal X-Ray and Crystalline-Sponge Methods: Assessing Specific Sources of Discrepancies”. M.G. Siskos*, M. Iqbal Choudhary, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Tetrahedron, 74, 4728-4737 (2018).
  33. “Exploring the Oxidation and Iron Binding Profile of a Cyclodextrin Encap-Sulated Quercetin Complex Unveiled a Controlled Complex Dissociation through a Chemical Stimuli”. D. Diamantis, S. Ramesova, C.M. Chatzigiannis, I. Degano, P.S. Gerogianni, C. Karadima, S. Perikleous, D. Rekkas, I.P. Gerothanassis, D. Galaris, T. Mavromoustakos, G. Valsami, R. Sokolova*, A.G. Tzakos*, BBA – General Subjects, 1862, 1913-1924 (2018).
  34. “Enriching the Biological Space of Natural Products, through Real Time Biotransformation Monitoring: The NMR Tube Bioreactor”. A. Chatzikonstantinou, M. Chatziathanasiadou, E. Ravera, M. Fragai, G. Parigi, I. Gerothanassis; C. Luchinat, H. Stamatis, A. Tzakos*, BBA – General Subjects, 1862, 1-8 (2018).
  35. “High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy as a Structural and Analytical Tool of Unsaturated Lipids in Solution”. E. Alexandri, R. Ahmed, H. Sidiqui, M.I. Choudhary, C.G. Tsiafoulis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules, 22, 1663 doi:10.3390/molecules22101663 (2017).
  36. “Selective 1D TOCSY NMR Method for the Determination of Glutathione in White Wine”. V.G. Kontogianni, C.G. Tsiafoulis, I.G. Roussis*, I.P. Gerothanassis* Anal. Methods 9, 4464-4470 (2017) UoI.
  37. “Refinement of Labile Hydrogen Position of Enol-Enol Tautomers of β-Dicarbonyl Compounds Based on DFT Calculations of 1H NMR Chemical Shifts in Solution: Comparison with X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Methods”. M.G. Siskos, M. Iqbal Choudhary, Ι.P. Gerothanassis* Org. Biomol. Chem. 15, 4655-4666 (2017). UoI.
  38. “Hydrogen Atomic Positions of O–H···O Hydrogen Bonds in Solution and in the Solid State: The Synergy of Quantum Chemical Calculations with 1H-NMR Chemical Shifts and X-ray Diffraction Methods”. M.G. Siskos*, M. Iqbal Choudhary, I.P. Gerothanassis* Molecules 22(3), 415(2017). UoI.
  39. “Determination of Polyphenolic Phytochemicals Using Highly Deshielded –OH 1H-NMR Signals”. P. Charisiadis, V.G. Kontogianni, C.G. Tsiafoulis, A.G. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis* Phytochem. Anal. 28(3), 159-170(2017). UoI.
  40. 1H ΝΜR Chemical Shift Assignment, Structure and Conformational Elucidation of Hypericin with the Use of DFT Calculations – The Challenge of Accurate Positions of Labile Hydrogens”. M.G. Siskos*, M. Iqbal Choudhary, A.G. Tzakos and I.P. Gerothanassis* Tetrahedron 72, 8287-8293 (2016). UoI.
  41. “PRESS: Protein S-sulfenylation Server”. M. Sakka, G. Tzortzis, M.D. Mantzaris, N. Bekas, T. F. Kellici, A. Likas, D. Galaris, I. P. Gerothanassis, A.G. Tzakos*. Bioinformatics 32, 2710-2712 (2016). UoI.
  42. “Deconvoluting the Dual Antiplatelet Activity of a Plant Extract”. V.G. Kontogianni, M.E. Tsoumani, T.F. Kellici, T. Mavromoustakos, I.P. Gerothanassis, A.D. Tselepis, A.G. Tzakos*. J. Agric. Food Chem. 64, 4511-4521 (2016). UoI.
  43. “Ethyl Acetate Extract of Origanum Vulgare L. ssp. hirtum Prevents Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes in C57BL/6 Mice”. Μ. Vujicic, Ι. Nikolic, V.G. Kontogianni, T. Saksida, P. Charisiadis, B. Vasic, S. Stosic-Grujicic, I.P. Gerothanassis, A.G. Tzakos, Stojanovic I.*J. Food Sci. 81, 846-853 (2016). UoI.
  44. “Leveraging NMR and X-ray Data of the Free Ligands to Build Better Drugs Targeting Angiotensin II Type 1 G-Protein Coupled Receptor”. T.F. Kellici, D. Ntountaniotis, E. Kritsi, M. Zervou, P. Zoumpoulakis, C. Potamitis, S. Durdagi, R.E. Salmas, G. Ergun, E. Gokdemir, M. Halabalaki, I.P. Gerothanassis, G. Liapakis*, A. Tzakos*, T. Mavromoustakos,*Curr. Med. Chem. 23, 36-59 (2016). UoI.
  45. 1H NMR Metabolic Fingerprinting to Probe Temporal Postharvest Changes on Qualitative Attributes and Phytochemical Profile of Sweet Cherry Fruit”. V. Goulas, I.S. Minas, P. Kourdoulas, A. Lazaridou, A. Molassiotis, I.P. Gerothanassis, G.A. Manganaris*. Front. Plant. Sci. 6, 36-59 (2015). UoI.
  46. “Beyond Traditional Balsamic Vinegar: Compositional and Sensorial Characteristics of Industrial Balsamic Vinegars and Regulatory Requirements”. S. Lalou, E. Hatzidimitriou, M. Papadopoulou, V.G. Kontogianni, C.G. Tsiafoulis, I.P. Gerothanassis, M.Z. Tsimidou*. J. Food Comp. Anal. 43, 175-184 (2015). UoI.
  47. “Accurate Ab Initio Calculations of O–H⋯O and O–H⋯-O Proton Chemical Shifts: Towards Elucidation of the Nature of the Hydrogen Bond and Prediction of Hydrogen Bond Distances”. M.G. Siskos*, A.G. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis*. Org. Biomol. Chem. 13, 8852-8868 (2015). UoI.
  48. “Selective 1D TOCSY NMR Experiments for a Rapid Identification of Minor Components in the Lipid Fraction of Milk and Dairy Products: Towards Spin-Chromatography?” C. Papaemmanouil, C.G. Tsiafoulis*, D. Alivertis, O. Tzamaloukas, D. Miltiadou, A. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis*. J. Agric Food. Chem. 63, 5381-5387(2015). UoI.
  49. “Understanding Zinc (II) Chelation with Quercetin and Luteolin: A Combined NMR and Theoretical Study”. A. Primikyri, G. Mazzone*, C. Lekka, A.G. Tzakos, N. Russo, I.P. Gerothanassis*, J. Phys. Chem. B 119, 83-95 (2015). UoI.
  50. 1H-NMR as a Structural and Analytical Tool of Intra- and Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonds of Phenol-Containing Natural Products and Model Compounds”. P. Charisiadis, V. Kontogianni, C.G. Tsiafoulis, A.G. Tzakos, M. Siskos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Molecules, 19, 13643-13682 (2014). UoI.
  51. “Dynamic Changes in Composition of Extracts of Natural Products as Monitored by in Situ NMR”. P. Charisiadis, C.G. Tsiafoulis, A.G. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Magn. Reson. Chem., 52, 764-768 (2014). UoI.
  52. “Synthetic Methodologies in Organic Chemistry Involving Incorporation of 17O and 18O Isotopes”. V. Theodorou*, K. Skobridis, D. Alivertis, I.P. Gerothanassis. J. Label. Compd. Radiopharm. 57, 481-508 (2014). UoI.
  53. Electronic Sculpting of Ligand-GPCR Subtype Selectivity: The Case of Angiotensin II”. F. Magnani, C.G. Pappas, T. Crook, V. Magafa, P. Cordopatis, S. Ishiguro, N. Ohta, J. Selent, S. Bosnyak, E.S. Jones, I.P. Gerothanassis, M. Tamura, R.E. Widdop, A.G Tzakos*. ACS Chem. Biol. 9, 1420-1425 (2014). UoI.
  54. “Direct Binding of Bcl-2 Family Proteins by Quercetin Triggers Its Pro-Apoptotic Activity”. A. Primikyri, M.V. Chatziathanasiadou, E. Karali, E. Kostaras, M. D. Mantzaris, E. Hatzimichael, J.-S. Shin, S.-W. Chi, E. Briasoulis, E. Kolettas, I.P. Gerothanassis*, A.G. Tzakos*, ACS Chem. Biol. 9, 2737-2741 (2014). UoI.
  55. “Direct Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Identification and Quantification of Geometric Isomers of Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Milk Lipid Fraction without Derivatization Steps: Overcoming Sensitivity and Resolution Barriers”, C.G. Tsiafoulis, T. Skarlas, O. Tzamaloukas, D. Miltiadou, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Anal. Chim. Acta 821, 62-71 (2014). UoI.
  56. “A Novel NMR Method for the Determination and Monitoring of Evolution of Hydrogen Peroxide in Aqueous Solutions”, C. Tsiafoulis*, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 406, 3371-3375 (2014). UoI.
  57. “Evaluation of the Phytochemical Content, Antioxidant Activity and Antimicrobial Properties of Mountain Tea (Sideritissyriaca) Decoction”, V. Goulas*, V. Exarchou*, L. Kanetis, I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Funct. Foods 6, 248-258 (2014). UoI.
  58. “Olive Leaf Extracts are a Natural Source of Advanced Glycation End Product Inhibitors”. V.G. Kontogianni*, P. Charisiadis, E. Margianni, F.N. Lamari, I.P. Gerothanassis, A.G. Tzakos* J. Med. Food 16, 817-822 (2013). UoI.
  59. “Investigation of Solute-Solvent Interactions in Phenol Compounds: Accurate Ab Initio Calculations of Solvent Effects on 1H NMR Shieldings”. M. Siskos*, V.G. Kontogianni, C. Tsiafoulis, A. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 11, 7400-7411 (2013). UoI.
  60. “Phytochemical Composition of ‘Mountain Tea’ from SideritisClandestina subsp. Chandestina and Evaluation of its Behavioral and Oxidant/Antioxidant Effects on Adult Mice”. C.G. Vasilopoulou, V.G. Kontogianni, Z.I. Linardaki, G. Iatrou, F.N. Lamari, A.A. Nerantzaki, I.P. Gerothanassis, A.G. Tzakos*, M. Margarity*, Eur. J. Nutr. 52, 107-116 (2013). UoI.
  61. “Ηydrogen Bonding Probes of Phenol ‒OH Groups”. V. Kontogianni, A. Primikyri, V. Exarchou, P. Charisiadis, A. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 11, 1013-1025 (2013). UoI.
  62. “Phytochemical Profile of Rosmarinus Officinalis and Salvia Officinalis Extracts and Correlation to their Antioxidant and Anti-proliferative Activity”. V.G. Kontogianni*, G. Tomic, I. Nikolic, A.A. Nerantzaki, N. Sayyad, S. Stosic-Grujicic, I. Stojanovic*, I.P. Gerothanassis, A.G. Tzakos*, Food Chem. 136, 120-129 (2013). UoI.
  63. “Classification, Biotransformation and Antioxidant Activity of Olive Fruit Biophenols: A Review”. V. Goulas*, P. Charisiadis, I.P. Gerothanassis, G.A. Manganaris, Current Bioactive Compounds 8, 232-239 (2012). UoI.
  64. “Fine – Tunning of the theDifussion Dimension of –OH Groups for High Resolution DOSY NMR Applications in Grude Enzymatic Transformations and Mixtures of Organic Compounds”. A. Primikyri, E. Kyriakou, P. Charisiadis, C. Tsiafoulis, H. Stamatis, A.G. Tzakos*, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Tetrahedron 68, 6887-6891 (2012). UoI.
  65. “On the Hydration State of Amino Acids and their Derivatives at Different Ionization States: A Comparative Multinuclear NMR and Crystallographic Investigation”. C. Papas, A.G. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Journal of Amino Acids vol. 2012, ID 565404 (2012) doi: 10.1155/2012/565404. UoI.
  66. “Rapid and Direct Low Micromolar NMR Method for the Simultaneous Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide and Phenolics in Plant Extracts”. P. Charisiadis, C.G. Tsiafoulis, V. Exarchou, A.G. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, J. Agric. Food Chem. 60, 4508-4513 (2012). UoI.
  67. “Recognition Pliability is Coupled to Structural Heterogeneity: A Calmodulin Intrinsically Disordered Binding Region Complex”. M. Nagulapalli. G. Parigi, J. Yuan, J. Gsponer, G. Deraos, V.V. Bamm, G. Harauz, J. Matsoukas, M.R.R. de Planque, I.P. Gerothanassis, M.M. Babu, C. Luchinat*, A.G. Tzakos*, Structure, 20, 522-533 (2012). UoI.
  68. “Unexpected Enzyme-Catalyzed Regioselective Acylation of Flavonoid Aglycones and Rapid Product Screening”. E. Kyriakou, A. Primikyri, P. Charisiadis, M. Katsoura, I.P. Gerothanassis, H. Stamatis, A.G. Tzakos*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 10, 1739-1742 (2012). UoI.
  69. “Exploring the Antioxidant Potential of Teucrium Polium Extracts by HPLC-SPE-NMR and On-Line Radical-Scavenging Activity Detection”. V. Goulas, A.M. Gomez-Caravaca, V. Exarchou*, I.P. Gerothanassis, A. Segura-Carretero, A. Fernandez Gutierrez, LWT-Food Science and Technology 46, 104-109 (2012). UoI.
  70. “Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Olive Leaf Extracts” V.G. Kontogianni*, I.P. Gerothanassis, Nat. Prod. Res. 26, 186-189 (2012). UoI.
  71. “Unprecedented Ultra-high-resolution Hydroxy Group 1H NMR Spectroscopic Analysis of Plant Extracts”. P. Charisiadis, A. Primikyri, V. Exarchou, A. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, J. Nat. Prod. 74, 2462-2466 (2011). UoI.
  72. “Oxygen-17 NMR”. I.P. Gerothanassis, in Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (D.M. Grant and R.K. Harris eds.), Wiley, Baffins Lane, Chichester (2011).
  73. “Novel Determination of the Total Phenolic Contents in Crude Plant Extracts by the Use of 1H NMR of the ‒OH Spectral Region”. A.A. Neratzaki, C.G. Tsiafoulis*, P. Charisiadis, V.G. Kontogianni, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Anal. Chim. Acta, 688, 54-60 (2011). UoI.
  74. “A New Method for the Determination of Free L-carnitine in Serum Samples Based on High Field Single Quantum Coherence Filtering 1H‒NMR Spectroscopy”. C.G. Tsiafoulis, V. Exarchou, P.P. Tziova, E. Bairaktari, I.P. Gerothanassis, A.N. Troganis*, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 399, 2285-2294 (2011). UoI.
  75. “Exploring the “Forgotten”- OH NMR Spectral Region in Natural Products”. P. Charisiadis, V. Exarchou, A.N. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Chem. Commun. 46, 3589-3591 (2010). UoI.
  76. “Contribution of Flavonoids to the Overall Radical Scavenging Activity of Olive (Olea Europea L.) Leaf Polar Extracts”. V. Goulas, V.T. Papoti, V. Exarchou, M.Z. Tsimidou*, I.P. Gerothanassis* J. Agric. Food Chem. 58, 3303-3308 (2010). UoI.
  77. “Oxygen-17 NMR Spectroscopy: Basic Principles and Applications (Part II)”. I.P. Gerothanassis, Progr. NMR Spectrosc. 57, 1-110 (2010). UoI.
  78. “Oxygen-17 NMR Spectroscopy: Basic Principles and Applications (Part I)”. I.P. Gerothanassis, Progr. NMR Spectrosc. 56, 95-197 (2010). UoI.
  79. “Rapid and Novel Discrimination and Quantification of Oleanolic and Ursolic Acids in Complex Plant Extracts using Two-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy-Comparison with HPLC Methods”. V.G. Kontogianni, V. Exarchou, A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Anal. Chim. Acta 635, 188-195 (2009). UoI.
  80. “Phytochemicals in Olive-Leaf Extracts and their Antiproliferative Activity against Cancer and Endothelial Cells”. V. Goulas, V. Exarchou, A.N. Troganis, E. Psomiadou, T. Fotsis, E. Briasoulis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Mol. Nutr. & Food Res. 53, 600-608 (2009). UoI.
  81. 1H‒NMR Determination of Hypericin and Pseudohypericin in Complex Natural Mixtures by the Use of Strongly Deshielded OH Groups”. E. Tatsis, V. Exarchou, A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Anal. Chim. Acta, 607, 219-226 (2008). UoI.
  82. “A Structural Characterization of Human SCO2”. L. Banci, I. Bertini*, S. Ciofi-Baffoni, I.P. Gerothanassis, I. Leontari, M. Martinelli, S. Wang, Structure 15, 1132-1140 (2007). UoI.
  83. “Identification of the Major Constituents of Hypericum Perforatum by LC/SPE/NMR and/or LC/MS”. E.C. Tatsis, S. Boeren, V. Exarchou, A.N. Troganis, J. Vervoort, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Phytochemistry 68, 383-393 (2007). UoI.
  84. “Hyphenated Liquid Chromatography / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Techniques”. V. Exarchou, I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Vervoort and T.A. van Beek, Natural Antioxidant Phenols. Sources, Structure – Activity Relationship, Current Trends in Analysis and Characterization. D. Boskou, I.P. Gerothanassis, P. Kefalas, (Eds.). Research Signpost: Kerala, India, 2006, Chapter 6, p. 143-156. UoI.
  85. “NMR Studies of Antioxidant Plant Phenols: Basic Parameters and Methodologies”. V. Exarchou and I.P. Gerothanassis, Natural Antioxidant Phenols. Sources, Structure – Activity Relationship, Current Trends in Analysis and Characterization. D. Boskou, I.P. Gerothanassis, P. Kefalas, (Eds.). Research Signpost: Kerala, India, 2006, Chapter 5, p. 125-142. UoI.
  86. “The Molecular Basis for the Selection of Captopril cis and trans Conformations by Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme”. A.G. Tzakos, N. Naqvi, K. Comporozos, R. Pierattelli, V. Theodorou, A. Husain*, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 16, 5084-5087 (2006). UoI.
  87. “Solvation Properties of N-Substituted Cis and Trans Amides are not Identical: Significant Enthalpy and Entropy Changes are Revealed by the Use of Variable Temperature 1H NMR in Aqueous and Chloroform Solutions and Ab Initio Calculations”. A. Troganis, E. Sicilia, K. Barbarossou, I.P. Gerothanassis*, N. Russo*, J. Phys. Chem. A. 109, 11878-11884 (2005). UoI.
  88. “LC-NMR Coupling Technology: Recent Advancements and Applications in Natural Products Analysis”. V. Exarchou*, M. Krucker, T.A. Van Beek, J. Vervoort, I.P. Gerothanassis, K. Albert, Magn. Reson. Chem., 43, 681-687 (2005) invited article. UoI.
  89. “Structure and Function of the Myelin Proteins: Current Status and Perspectives in Relation to Multiple Sclerosis”. A.G. Tzakos, P. Kursula, V. Theodorou, A. Troganis, T. Tselios, C. Svarnas, J. Matsoukas, V. Apostolopoulos, I.P. Gerothanassis, Current Med. Chem. 12, 1569-1587 (2005). UoI.
  90. “Domain-Selective Ligand-Binding Modes and Atomic Level Pharmacophore Refinement in Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors”. A.G. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Chem. Biol. Chem. 6, 1089-1103 (2005). UoI.
  91. “NMR and Molecular Dynamics Studies of an Autoimmune Myelin Basic Protein Peptide and its Antagonist. Structural Implications for the MHC II (1-Au) – Peptide Complex from Docking Calculations”. A.G. Tzakos, P. Fuchs, N.A.J. van Nuland, A. Troganis, T. Tselios, S. Deraos, J. Matsoukas, I.P. Gerothanassis*, A.M.J.J. Bonvin, Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 3399-3413 (2004). UoI.
  92. “On the Structural Basis of the Hypertensive Properties of Angiotensin II: A Solved Mystery or a Controversial Issue?”. A.G. Tzakos, A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 4, 431-444 (2004). UoI.
  93. “On the Detection of Both Carbonyl and Hydroxyl Oxygens in Amino Acid Derivatives: A 17O NMR Reinvestigation”. V. Theodorou, A.N. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Tetrahedron Letters, 45, 2243-2245 (2004). UoI.
  94. “LC-UV-Solid Phase Extraction-NMR-MS Combined with a Cryogenic Flow Probe and its Application to the Identification of Compounds Present in Greek Oregano”. V. Exarchou*, M. Godejohann, T.A. Van Beek, I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Vervoort, Anal. Chem. 75 6288-6294 (2003). UoI.
  95. “Structure-Function Discrimination of the N‒ and the C‒ Catalytic Domains of Human Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme: Implications for Cl- Activation and Peptide Hydrolysis Mechanisms”. A. Tzakos, A.S. Galanis, G.A. Spyroulias, P. Cordopatis, E.M. Zoupa, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Protein Engin. 16, 993-1003 (2003). UoI.
  96. “On the Molecular Basis of the Recognition of Angiotensin II (AII). NMR Structure of AII in Solution Compared with the X-ray Structure of AII Βound to the mAb Fab131”. A.G. Tzakos, A.M.J.J. Bonvin, A. Troganis, P. Cordopatis, M.L. Amzel, I.P. Gerothanassis*, N.A.J. van Nuland, Eur. J. Biochem., 270, 849-860 (2003). UoI.
  97. 14N NMR Relaxation Times of Several Protein Amino Acids in Aqueous Solution-Comparison with 17O NMR Data and Estimation of the Relative Hydration Numbers in the Cationic and Zwitterionic Forms”. A.N. Troganis*, C. Tsanaktsidis, I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Magn. Reson. 164, 294-303 (2003). UoI.
  98. “Comparison of the Solution Structures of Angiotensin I & II. Implication for Structure-Function Relationship”. G.A. Spyroulias*, P. Nikolakopoulou, A. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis, V. Magafa, E. Manessi-Zoupa, P. Cordopatis, Eur. J. Biochem., 270, 2163-2173 (2003). UoI.
  99. “Zinc Binding in Peptide Models of Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme Active Sites Studied Through 1H–NMR and Chemical Shift Perturbation Mapping”. A. Galanis, G. Spyroulias*, R. Pierattelli, A. Tzakos, A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis, G. Pairas, E. Manessi-Zoupa, P. Cordopatis, Biopolymers 69, 244-252 (2003). UoI.
  100. “Do Strong Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds Persist in Aqueous Solution? Variable Temperature Gradient 1H, 1H–13C GE-HSQC and GE-HMBC NMR Studies of Flavonols and Flavones in Organic and Aqueous Mixtures”. V. Exarchou, A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, M. Tsimidou, D. Boskou, Tetrahedron, 58, 7423-7429 (2002). UoI.
  101. “Antioxidant Activities and Phenolic Composition of Extracts from Greek Oregano, Greek Sage and Summer Savory”. V. Exarchou, N. Nenadis, M. Tsimidou*, I.P. Gerothanassis, A. Troganis, D. Boskou, J. Agric. Food Chem., 50, 5294-5299 (2002). UoI.
  102. *82.   “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy: Basic Principles and Phenomena, and their Applications to Chemistry, Biology and Medicine”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, A. Troganis*, V. Exarchou, K. Barbarossou, Chem. Educ.:Research & Practice in Europe, 3, 229-252 (2002). UoI.
  103. “Towards a Consensus Structure of Hypericin in Solution: Direct Evidence for a single Tautomer and Different Ionization States in Protic and Nonprotic Solvents by the Use of Variable Temperature Gradient 1H NMR”. D. Skalkos, E. Tatsis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, A. Troganis, Tetrahedron, 58, 4925-4929 (2002). UoI.
  104. High NuclearityZnII/Me
  105. / (C5NH4)2  Clusters by “Depolymerization”: Conversion of a Three-Dimensional Coordination Polymer Containing Hexameric Units into its Constituent Hexanuclear Complex”. N. Lalioti, C.P. Raptopoulou, A. Terzis, A.E. Aliev, I.P. Gerothanassis, E. Manessi-Zoupa, S.P. Perlepes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 40, 3211-3214 (2001). UoI.
  106. “The 17O‒NMR Shielding Range and Shielding Time Scale and Detection of Discrete Hydrogen-Bonded Conformational States in Peptides”. Ι.P. Gerothanassis, Biopolymers, 59, 125-130 (2001). UoI.
  107. “Natural Abundance 15N CP MAS NMR as a Novel Tool for Investigating Metal Binding to Nucleotides in the Solid State”. K. Barbarossou, A. E. Aliev, I.P. Gerothanassis*, J. Anastassopoulou*, T. Theophanides, Inorg. Chem., 40, 3626-3628(2001). UoI.
  108. “Analysis of Phenolic Acids in Complex Phenolic Mixtures by the Use of Variable Temperature Two Dimensional 1H‒1H COSY, 1H‒13C HMQC and 1H‒13C HMBC Gradient Enhanced NMR Spectroscopy: Application to Methanolic Extracts of Several Oregano Species”. V. Exarchou, A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, M. Tsimidou, D. Boskou, J. Agric. Food Chem., 49, 2-8 (2001). UoI.
  109. “Treatment of Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis (EAE) by a Rationally Designed Cyclic Analogue of Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) Epitope 72-85”. T. Tselios, I. Daliani, S. Deraos, S. Thymianou, E. Matsoukas, A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis, A. Mouzaki, T. Mavromoustakos, L. Probert, J. Matsoukas*, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 10, 2713-2717 (2000). UoI.
  110. “Density Functional Study of a Model Amide. Prediction of Formamide Geometry, Dipole Moment, IR Harmonic Vibration νC=O and GIAO NMR Shieldings”. T. Kupka*, I.P. Gerothanassis, I.N. Demetropoulos, THEO CHEM, 531, 143-157 (2000). UoI.
  111. “Multinuclear (13C, 17O, 57Fe) NMR Studies of Carbonmonoxy Heme Proteins and Synthetic Model Compounds”. C.G. Kalodimos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, R. Pierattelli, A. Troganis, J. Inorg. Biochem., 79, 371-380 (2000). UoI.
  112. “Thermodynamic Origin of Cis/Trans Isomers of a Proline-Containing β-turn Model Dipeptide in Aqueous Solution: A Combined Variable Temperature 1H‒NMR, Two Dimensional 1H,1H Gradient Enhanced Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy (NOESY), One-Dimensional Steady-State Intermolecular 13C,1H NOE, and Molecular Dynamics Study”. A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, Z. Athanassiou, T. Mavromoustakos, G.E. Hawkes, C. Sakarellos, Biopolymers, 53, 72-83 (2000). UoI.
  113. “(2+4)-Cycloaddition with Singlet Oxygen. 17O-Investigation of the Reactivity of Furfuryl Alcohol Endoperoxide”. A.M. Braun*, H. Dahn, E. Gassmann, I.P. Gerothanassis, L. Jakob, J. Kateva, C.G. Martinez, E. Oliveros, J. Photochem. Photobiology, 70 (6), 868-874 (1999). Univ. of Lausanne.
  114. “Carbon-13 and Oxygen-17 Chemical Shifts, (16O/18O) Isotope Effects on 13C Chemical Shifts, and Vibrational Frequencies of Carbon Monoxide in Various Solvents and of the Fe‒C‒O Unit in Carbonmonoxy Heme Proteins and Synthetic Model Compounds”. C.G. Kalodimos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, R. Pierattelli, B. Ancian, Inorg. Chem., 38, 4283-4293 (1999). UoI.
  115. “Iron-57 Nuclear Shieldings as a Quantitative Tool for Estimating Porphryrin Ruffling in Hexacoordinated Carbonmonoxy Heme Model Compounds in Solution”. C.G. Kalodimos I.P. Gerothanassis*, E. Rose, G.E. Hawkes, R. Pierattelli, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121, 2903-2908 (1999). UoI.
  116. “Design and Synthesis of a Potent Cyclic Analogue of the Myelin Basic Protein Epitope MBP72-85: Importance of the Ala81 Carboxyl Group and of a Cyclic Conformation for Induction of Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis”. T. Tselios, L. Probert, I. Daliani, E. Matsoukas, A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis, T. Mavromoustakos, G.J. Moore, J.M. Matsoukas*, J. Med. Chem., 42, 1170-1177 (1999). UoI.
  117. “Heteronuclear NMR Applications (O, S, Se and Te)”. I.P. Gerothanassis, in Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy & Spectrometry (J.C. Lindon, G.E. Tranter, J.L. Holmes, eds.), Academic Press, pp. 722-729 (1999). UoI.
  118. “Methodology for Identification of Phenolic Acids in Complex Phenolic Mixtures by High-Resolution Two- Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Application to Methanolic Extracts of Two Oregano Species”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, V. Exarchou, V. Lagouri, A. Troganis, M. Tsimidou,  D.Boskou*, J. Agric. FoodChem., 46, 4185-4192 (1998). UoI.
  119. “Rare M7O2 Double Tetrahedral Core in Molecular Species: Preparation, Structure and Properties of [Zn7O2(O2CMe)10 (1-Meim)2] (1-Meim=1-methylimidazole) ”. N. Lalioti, C.P. Raptopoulou, A. Terzis, A.E. Aliev, S.P. Perlepes*, I.P. Gerothanassis*, E. Manessi-Zoupa*, Chem. Commun., 1513-1514 (1998). UoI.
  120. “Carbon-13 Nuclear Shieldings as a Novel Method in Estimating Porphyrin Ruffling in Hexacoordinated Superstructured Heme Model Compounds in Solution”. C.G. Kalodimos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120, 6407-6408 (1998). UoI.
  121. 13C and 57Fe – NMR Studies of the Fe‒C‒O Unit of Heme Proteins and Synthetic Model Compounds in Solution: Comparison with IR Vibrational Frequencies and X-ray Structural Data”. C.G. Kalodimos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, G.E. Hawkes, Biospectroscopy, 4, S57-S69 (1998). UoI.
  122. “The Effects of Atropisomerism and Porphyrin Deformation on 57Fe Shieldings in Superstructured Hemoprotein Models”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, C.G. Kalodimos, G.E. Hawkes, P. Haycock, J. Magn. Reson., 131, 163-165 (1998). UoI.
  123. 13C Shieldings, 18O Isotope Effects on 13C Shieldings, and 57Fe‒13C spin Couplings of the Fe‒C‒O Unit in Superstructured Hemoprotein Models: Comparison with Hemoproteins, C‒O Vibrational Frequencies, and X-ray Structural Data”. C.G. Kalodimos, I.P. Gerothanassis*, A. Troganis, B. Loock, M. Momenteau, J. Biomol. NMR, 11, 1-13 (1998). UoI.
  124. “Experimental Evidence of Specific Solute-Solvent Interactions of Fullerenes C60 and C70 in Solution: One Dimensional Steady-State Intermolecular 13C, 1H Overhauser Effect Study”. A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, D.K. Papademitriou, J. Magn. Reson., 130, 149-152 (1998). UoI.
  125. “Solvent Effects on Oxygen-17 Chemical Shifts in Amides. Quantitative Linear Solvation Shift Relationships”. E. Diez*, J.S. Fabian, I.P. Gerothanassis, A.L. Esteban, J.L.M. Abboud, R.H. Contreras, Kowalewski, J. Magn. Reson., 124, 8-19 (1997). UoI.
  126. “The First Experimental Evidence of Differential Hydration of E/Z Isomers of Sterically Hindered Amides: One Dimensional Steady-State Selective Intermolecular 13C, 1H Overhauser Effect Study of Tert-butylformamide”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, A. Troganis, C. Vakka, Tetrahedron Lett., 37, 6569-6572 (1996). UoI.
  127. “Complexes of Zn2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+ with 2-(α-Hydroxybenzyl) thiamine Monophosphate Chloride”. K. Dodi, I.P. Gerothanassis, N. Hadjiliadis*, A. Schreiber, R. Bau, I.S. Butler, P.J. Barrie, Inorg. Chem., 35, 6513-6519 (1996). UoI.
  128. 17O NMR Studies of Electronic and Steric Interactions of Substituted Quinoxaline-2(1H), 3(4H)-diones”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, G. Varvounis, J. Heterocyclic Chem., 33, 643-646 (1996). UoI.
  129. 17O and 14N NMR Studies of Quinoxaline-2(1H), 3(4H)-diones and N,N’-Substituted Oxamides: The First Experimental Evidence of Torsion Angle Deformation Resulting from an Unprecedented Through Six-bond Substituent Effect  on the Diamide Group of Quinoxaline-2(1H), 3(4H)-diones”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, J. Cobb, A. Kimbaris, J.A.S. Smith, G. Varvounis, Tetrahedron Lett, 37, 3191-3194 (1996). UoI.
  130. 13C CP/MAS NMR Studies of Hemoprotein Models with and without an Axial Hindered Base: 13C Shielding Tensors and Comparison With Hemoproteins and X-Ray Structural Data”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, M. Momenteau*, P.J. Barrie, C.G. Kalodimos, G.E. Hawkes, Inorg. Chem., 35, 2674-2679 (1996). UoI.
  131. 17O NMR Studies of the Solvation State of Cis/Trans Isomers of Amides and Model Protected Peptides”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, C. Vakka, A. Troganis, J. Magn. Reson. B, 111, 220-229 (1996). UoI.
  132. “Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Calculations of Solvent Clusters of Trans-N-methyl-acetamide: Structure, Ring Cluster Formation and Out-of-Plane Deformation”. I.N. Demetropoulos*, I.P. Gerothanassis*, C. Vakka, C. Kakavas, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 92, 921-931 (1996). UoI.
  133. *52.   “NMR Shielding and the Periodic Table”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, C.G. Kalodimos, J. Chem. Educ., 73, 801-804 (1996). UoI.
  134. *51.   “Nuclear Electric Quadrupole Relaxation”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, C.G. Tsanaktsidis, Concepts Magn. Reson. 8, 63-74 (1996). UoI.
  135. 31P Solid-State NMR Measurements Used to Detect Interactions Between NADPH and Water and to Determine the Ionisation State of NADPH in a Protein-Ligand Complex Subjected to Low-level Hydration”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, P.J. Barrie, B. Birdsall, J. Feeney*, Eur. J. Biochem., 235, 262-266 (1996). UoI.
  136. “Oxygen-17”. I.P. Gerothanassis, in Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (D.M. Grant and R.K. Harris, eds), Wiley, Baffins Lane, Chichester, pp. 3430-3440 (1995). UoI.
  137. “Measuring the 13C NMR Shielding Tensor of 13CO Bonded to Haemoglobin”. P.J. Barrie*, I.P. Gerothanassis, M. Momenteau, G.E. Hawkes, J. Magn. Reson. B, 108, 185-188 (1995). UoI.
  138. 17O and 1H‒15N Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence (1H‒15N HMQC) NMR of Linear Amides: Evidence of an Out-of-Plane (Torsion Angle) Deformation of the Amide Bond and Pyramidicity at the Amide Nitrogen”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, A. Troganis, C. Vakka, Tetrahedron, 51, 9493-9500 (1995). UoI.
  139. “Hydration of Cis and Trans N – Methylformamide as Revealed by the Use of 17O NMR, Molecular Mechanics and Ab Initio Calculations”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, I.N. Demetropoulos*, C. Vakka, Biopolymers, 36, 415-428 (1995). UoI.
  140. “NMR Studies of Ligand-Protein Interactions Involving Quadrupolar Nuclei”. I.P. Gerothanassis, in NMR of Biological Macromolecules (C. Stasinopoulou, ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 155-170 (1994). UoI.
  141. “Nuclear Shielding and Biomolecular Structure”. I.P. Gerothanassis, in NMR of Biological Macromolecules (C. Stasinopoulou, ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 87-114 (1994). UoI.
  142. “Observation of Large Solvent Effects on the 31P Shielding Tensor of a Cyclic Nucleotide”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, P.J. Barrie*, C. Tsanaktsidis, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 2639-2640 (1994). UoI.
  143. 31P – NMR Studies of NADPH, NADP+ and the Complex of NADPH and Methotrexate with Lactobacillus casei Dihydrofolate Reductase in the Solid State”. I.P. Gerothanassis, P.J. Barrie, B. Birdsall, J. Feeney*, Eur. J. Biochem., 226, 211-218 (1994). Medical Research Institute, London.
  144. “Solid State 13C NMR Evidence for a Large Deviation from Linearity of the Fe‒C‒O Unit in the CO Complex with Myoglobin”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, P.J. Barrie*, M. Momenteau, G.E. Hawkes, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116, 11944-11949 (1994). UoI.
  145. 17O NMR Chemical Shifts as a Tool to Study Specific Hydration Sites of Amides and Peptides – Correlation with the IR Amide I Stretching Vibration”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, C. Vakka, J. Org. Chem., 59, 2341-2348 (1994). UoI.
  146. 17O NMR Studies of Hemoproteins and Synthetic Model Compounds in the Solution and Solid States”. I.P. Gerothanassis, Progr. NMR Spectrosc., 26, 239-292 (1994). UoI.
  147. “Multinuclear and Multidimensional NMR Methodology for Studying Individual Water Molecules Bound to Peptides and Proteins in Solution: Principles and Applications”. I.P. Gerothanassis, Progr. NMR Spectrosc., 26,171-237 (1994). UoI.
  148. “Is the Iron-Carbon-Oxygen Moiety Linear or Bent in Heme Model Compounds? Evidence for Non-Axially Symmetric Shielding Tensors from Carbon-13 CP MAS NMR Spectroscopy”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, M. Momenteau, G.E. Hawkes, P.J. Barrie, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 115, 9796-9797 (1993). UoI.
  149. “Applications of Nuclear Shielding”. I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Efthimiou, C. Vakka, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 22, 90-137 (1993). UoI.
  150. “Solvation State of the Tyr Side Chain in Peptides. An FT‒IR and 17O‒NMR Approach”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, Ν. Birlirakis, C. Sakarellos*, M. Marraud, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114, 9043-9047 (1992). UoI.
  151. “Hydration of Gly2 and Gly3 Peptide Oxygens of [Leu5]-enkephalin in Aqueous Solution as Revealed by the Combined Use of 17O‒NMR and Fourier- Transform Infrared Spectroscopy”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, N. Birlirakis, T. Karayannis, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, C. Sakarellos*, B. Vitoux, M. Marraud, Eur. J. Biochem., 210, 693-698 (1992). UoI.
  152. “NMR Detection of Bound Water Molecules in the Active Site of Lactobacillus casei Dihydrofolate Reductase in Aqueous Solution”. I.P. Gerothanassis, B. Birdsall, C.J. Bauer, T.A. Frenkiel, J. Feeney*, J. Mol. Biol., 226, 549-554 (1992). Medical Research Institute, London.
  153. “Structural Differences of the Iron-Dioxygen Moiety of Haemoprotein Models with and without Axial Hindered Base as Revealed by 17O NMR and FTIR Spectroscopy in Solution”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, B. Loock, M. Momenteau*, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 598-600 (1992). UoI.
  154. 17O‒NMR and FT-IR Study of the Ionization State of Peptides in Aprotic Solvents. Application to Leu-enkephalin”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, N. Birlirakis, T. Karayannis, V. Tsikaris, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, C. Sakarellos, B. Vitoux, M. Marraud, FEBS Letters, 298, 188-190 (1992). UoI.
  155. 31P NMR Assignment and Conformational Study of NADPH Bound to Lactobacillus casei Dihydrofolate Reductase Based on two-Dimensional 1H‒31P – Heteronuclear and 1H Detected 1H‒31P – Shift Correlation Experiments”. I.P. Gerothanassis, B. Birdsall, C.J. Bauer, J. Feeney*, Eur. J. Biochem., 204, 173-177 (1992). Medical Research Institute, London.
  156. “Applications of Nuclear Shielding”. I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Efthimiou, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 21, 70-105 (1992). UoI.
  157. “Hydrogen Bonding Effects on 31P NMR Shielding in the Pyrophosphate Group of NADPH Bound to L.Casei Dihydrofolate Reductase”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, B. Birdsall, J. Feeney, FEBS Letters, 291, 21-23 (1991). Medical Research Institute, London.
  158. “Applications of Nuclear Shielding”. I.P. Gerothanassis, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 20, 81-111 (1991). UoI.
  159. 17O NMR Relaxation Times of the Protein Amino Acids in Aqueous Solution. Estimation of the Relative Hydration Numbers in the Cationic, Anionic and Zwitterionic Forms”. J. Lauterwein*, I.P. Gerothanassis, R.N. Hunston, M. Schumacher, J. Phys. Chem., 95, 3804-3811 (1991). Univ. of Lausanne.
  160. “Does a 2←5 β -turn Structure Exist in Enkephalins? Study of a Fully Protected Leu-enkephalin in Organic Solution by 17O NMR”. E. Moret, I.P. Gerothanassis, R.N. Hunston, J. Lauterwein*, FEBS Letters 262, 173-175 (1990). Univ. of Lausanne
  161. “Applications of Nuclear Shielding”. I.P. Gerothanassis, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 19, 34-79 (1990). UoI.
  162. 17O and 14N – NMR Studies of Leu-enkephalin and Enkephalin – Related Fragments in Aqueous Solution”. T. Karayannis, I.P. Gerothanassis*, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, C. Sakarellos, M. Marraud, Biopolymers, 29, 423-439 (1990). UoI.
  163. 17O‒NMR Spectroscopy as a Novel Tool of Investigating‚ β-turn in Model Peptides”. N. Birlirakis, I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Sakarellos*, M. Marraud, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1122-1123 (1989). UoI.
  164. “Hydrogen-Bond Stabilization of Dioxygen, Conformation Excitation, and Autoxidation Mechanism in Hemoprotein Models as Revealed by 17O NMR Spectroscopy”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, M. Momenteau*, B. Loock, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 111, 7006-7012 (1989). UoI.
  165. 17O‒NMR Studies of the Conformational and Dynamic Properties of Enkephalins in Aqueous and Organic Solutions Using Selectively Labeled Analogues”. C. Sakarellos, I.P. Gerothanassis, N. Birlirakis, T. Karayannis, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, M. Marraud, Biopolymers, 28, 15-26 (1989). UoI.
  166. “Multiple-Quantum 1H‒15N Chemical Shift Correlation Spectroscopy of the Peptide Hormone Leu-enkephalin in Solution”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, M. Bourdonneau, T. Karayannis, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, C. Sakarellos, J. Magn. Reson., 80, 309-313 (1988). UoI.
  167. “Effectiveness of Pulse Sequences for Suppression of Acoustic Ringing in FT NMR”. I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Magn. Reson., 75, 361-363 (1987). UoI.
  168. 17O NMR Spectroscopy as a Tool for Studying Synthetic Oxygen Carriers Related to Biological Systems: Application to a Synthetic Single-Face Hindered Iron Porphyrin-Dioxygen Complex in Solution”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, M. Momenteau, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 109, 6944-6947 (1987). UoI.
  169. “Nitrogen-14 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of the Amino Terminal Group of Leu-enkephalin in Aqueous Solution”. I.P. Gerothanassis*, T. Karayannis, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, C. Sakarello, M. Marraud, J. Magn. Reson., 75, 513-516 (1987). UoI.
  170. “Methods of Avoiding the Effects of Acoustic Ringing in Pulsed FT NMR Spectroscopy”. I.P. Gerothanassis, Progr. NMR Spectrosc., 19, 267-329 (1987). UoI.
  171. 17O NMR Spectroscopy: Referencing in Diamagnetic and Paramagnetic Solutions”. I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Lauterwein*, Magn. Reson. Chem., 24, 1034-1038 (1986). Univ. of Lausanne.
  172. “Simple Reference Baseline Subtraction-90° Pulse Sequence for Acoustic Ringing Elimination in Pulsed Fourier Transform NMR Spectroscopy”. I.P. Gerothanassis, Magn. Reson. Chem., 24, 428-433 (1986). UoI.
  173. “An Evaluation of Various Pulse Sequences for the Suppression of Acoustic Ringing in Oxygen-17 NMR”. I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Lauterwein*, J. Magn. Reson., 66, 32-42 (1986). Univ. of Lausanne.
  174. 17O NMR Chemical Shifts of the Twenty Protein Amino Acids in Aqueous Solution”. I.P. Gerothanassis, R.N. Hunston, J. Lauterwein*, Magn. Reson. Chem., 23, 659-665 (1985). Univ. of Lausanne.
  175. “A Study of L-Proline, Sarcosine and the Cis/Trans Isomers of N-Acetyl-L-proline and N-Acetylsarcosine in Aqueous and Organic Solution by 17O NMR”. R.N. Hunston, I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Lauterwein*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 107, 2654-2661 (1985). Univ. of Lausanne.
  176. “A study of the Cis/Trans Isomerism of N-Acetyl-L-Proline in Aqueous Solution by 17O NMR Spectroscopy”. J. Lauterwein*, I.P. Gerothanassis, R. Hunston, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 367-369 (1984). Univ. of Lausanne.
  177. “Acquisition Times, Relaxation Rates and Solvent and Temperature Effects as Sensitivity Parameters for Quadrupolar Nuclei”. I.P. Gerothanassis, Org. Magn. Reson., 21, 719-722 (1983). Univ. of East Anglia.
  178. “Calculation of Transverse Relaxation Times from Lineshapes Modified by Gaussian-Exponential Filtering”. G. Braoudakis, I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Lauterwein*, J. Magn. Reson., 52, 288-292 (1983). Univ. of Lausanne.
  179. “Application of a Steady-State Pulse Sequence for Solvent Elimination in 17O‒NMR”. J. Lauterwein*, I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Magn. Reson., 51, 153-156 (1983). Univ. of Lausanne.
  180. 17O-NMR of Enriched Acetic Acid, Glycine, Glutamic Acid and Aspartic Acid in Aqueous Solution. II. Relaxation Studies”. I.P. Gerothanassis, R. Hunston, J. Lauterwein*, Helv. Chim. Acta, 65, 1774-1784 (1982). Univ. of Lausanne.
  181. 17O-NMR of Enriched Acetic Acid, Glycine, Glutamic Acid and Aspartic Acid in Aqueous Solution. I. Chemical Shift Studies”. I.P. Gerothanassis, R. Hunston, J. Lauterwein*, Helv. Chim. Acta, 65, 1764-1773 (1982). Univ. of Lausanne.
  182. “Natural – Abundance 17O-NMR of Monosaccharides”. I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Lauter-wein*, N. Sheppard, J. Magn. Reson., 48, 431-446 (1982). Univ. of Lausanne
  183. “Natural Abundance 17O-NMR Spectra of Some Inorganic and Biologically Important Phosphates”. I.P. Gerothanassis, N. Sheppard, J. Magn. Reson., 46, 423-439 (1982). Univ. of East Anglia.
  184. 17O Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Some Enriched Amino Acids”. R. Hunston, I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Lauterwein*, Org. Magn. Reson., 18, 120-121 (1982). Univ. of Lausanne.
  • Publications in Proceedings of International Conferences
  1. “High Resolution Structures of Natural Products in Solution Based on DFT Calculations of NMR Chemical Shifts”. I.P. Gerothanassis. Planta Med. 88 (15), P-300 (2022). UoI.
  2. “Protein-Ligand Interactions and In-Cell NMR Spectroscopy in Natural Products Research”. I.P. Gerothanassis. Planta Med. 88 (15), SL-D01 (2022). UoI.
  3. “Analytical and Structural Perspectives of NMR in Natural Products Research: From Mixture Analysis to In-Cell Investigations”. I.P. Gerothanassis. 12th International Conference on “Instrumental Methods of Analysis” (IMA-2021), 20-23 September 2021.
  4. “Enriching the Biologically Relevant Space Sampled by Natural Products through Biotransformations: Speeding Up the Natural-Product Based Drug Discovery Process”. A.G. Tzakos, A. Chatzikonstantinou, I.P. Gerothanassis, M. Chatziathanasiadou, C. Stamatis, N. Sayyad. Planta Med. 81, SL3B_05 (2015). UoI.
  5. “The Potential of NMR Spectroscopy vs. Separation Techniques”. S. Lalou, V.G. Kontogianni, C.G. Tsiafoulis, I.P. Gerothanassis, M. Tsimidou. Proc. 3rd IMEKOFOODS – Metrology Promoting Standardization and Harmonization in Food and Nutrition, IKEECONI 2022-235, p.p. 204-208 (2013). UoI.
  6. “Decoding the BH-3 Mimetic Pro-Apoptotic Activity of Quercetin in jurkat cells”. A. Primikyri, E. Hatzimichael, E. Karali, E. Kostaras, M. Mantzaris, J.S. Shin, S-W. Chi, E. Kolettas, I.P. Gerothanassis, E. Briasoulis, A, Tzakos. Blood 122 (1), 1672 (2013). UoI.
  7. “On the Hydration State of Amino Acids and Their Derivatives at Different Ionization States: A Comparative Multinuclear NMR and Crystallographic Investigation”. C.Pappas, A.G. Tzakos, I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Pept. Sci. 18, Suppl. 1, S165-S165 (2012).
  8. “Recognition Pliability is Coupled to Structural Heterogeneity: a Calmodulin-Intrinsically Disordered Binding Region Complex”. M. Nagulapalli, G. Parigi, J. Yuan et al. J. Pept. Sci. 18, Suppl. 524-524 (2012).
  9. “Evolution of a Molecular Switch by a Single Mutation Surmounts the Chloride Ion Dependent mechanism of ACE” N. Nawarish, J. Gsponer, A. Husccin, I.P. Gerothanassis, M.M. Babu, A. Tzakos, FEBS Journal 275, Suppl. 1, 178-178 (2008).
  10. “An NMR Study of the Interaction between Bradykinin and Angiotensin-I and Synthetic Peptide-based Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme Catalytic Size Maquettes (CSM)”. A.S. Galaris, Z. Spyranti, N.Tsam, G.A. Spyroulias, E. Manessi-Zoupa, G. Pairas, I.P. Gerothanassis, P.Cordopatis, J. Pept. Sci. 12, S196-S196 (2006).
  11. “Selection of Captopril Isomerization States by Human Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme (hACE)”. A.G. Tzakos, N. Naqvi, K. Comporozos, R. Pierattelli, V. Theodorou, I.P. Gerothanassis, A. Husain, J. FASEB, 20 (4): 50-52, 6 (2006).
  12. “NMR Models of the Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme Zn(II) Catalytic Sites: the Basis for a Structural Study on the Enzyme-Substrate Interaction”. G.A. Spyroulias, A.S. Galaris, G. Pairas, E. Manessi-Zoupa, I.P. Gerothanassis, P. Cordopatis, FEBS J. 272, S1, 566-566 (2005).
  13. “Structural Studies and Sequence Homology Investigations of the Guinea Pig Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) Epitope 74-85 Analogues”. A. Tzakos, P. Fuchs, N.A.J. van Nuland, A. Troganis, T. Tselios, S. Deraos, G. Deraos, I.P. Gerothanassis, A.M.J.J. Bonvin, J. Matsoukas, Biopolymers, 71 (3): P514 (2003).
  14. 1H and 13C NMR Assignment and Conformational Studies of Myelin Basic Protein Epitope 74-85 Implicated in Multiple Sclerosis”. Α. Tzakos, A. N. Troganis, T. Tselios, A. Bonvin, N. van Nuland, S. Deraos, J. Matsoukas and I.P. Gerothanassis, in Drug Discovery and Design: Medical Aspects, (J. Matsoukas , T. Mavromoustakos, Eds.), Ios Press 180-187 (2002).
  15. “Direct Observation of Discrete Conformational Transitions in Progressively Hydrated Nucleosides and Nucleotides by the use of C-13 CP/MAS NMR Spectroscopy”. K. Barbarossou, A.E. Aliev, I.P. Gerothanassis, T. Vaimakis, J. Inorg. Biochem. 86, 1, 137-137 (2001).
  16. “Conformational Studies of Angiotensin II – Metal Complexes by NMR Spectroscopy”. A. Tzakos, A. Troganis, R. Pieratteli, I.P. Gerothanassis, A. Bonvin, N. Van Nuland, P. Cordopatis, in Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 86, 462(2001).
  17. “Conformational Analysis of Angiotensin II and Analogues by the Use of Two Dimensional Gradient NMR Spectroscopy”. A. Tzakos, A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis, M. Assimomytis, V. Magafa, E. Manesi-Zoupa, G. Pairas, P. Cordopatis, in 2nd Hellenic Forum on Bioactive Peptides (P.A. Cordopatis, Ed.), pp. 433-438 (2001).
  18. “Enthalpy and Entropy Changes of Cis and Trans Isomers in Distorted Amides Compared to Planar Amides and Model Peptides: A Variable Temperature 1H‒NMR Study”. A.N. Troganis, S. Bravou, I.P. Gerothanassis, in 2nd Hellenic Forum on Bioactive Peptides (P.A. Cordopatis, Ed.), pp. 419-424 (2001).
  19. “The Triad: NMR, Biomolecular Structure, Thermodynamics”. I.P. Gerothanassis, in 2nd Hellenic Forum on Bioactive Peptides (P.A. Cordopatis, Ed.), pp. 77-84 (2001).
  20. “NMR Methodology for the Analysis of Phenolic Acids in Complex Natural Mixtures”. V. Exarchou, I.P. Gerothanassis, A. Troganis, M. Tsimidou, D. Boskou in Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Modern Trends and Applications (M. Schsenkuhn-Petropulu and K.M. Ochsenkuhm, Eds.), vol. 1, pp. 110-114 (1999).
  21. “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Peptide Analogues of the Myelin Basic Protein Epitope MBP72-85”. A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis, T. Mavromoustakas, I. Deliani, T. Tselios, E. Matsoukas, J.M. Matsoukas, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions (J. Greve, G.J. Puppels and C. Otto, Eds.), pp. 589-590, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1999).
  22. “NMR Methodology for the Analysis of Phenolic Acids in Complex Phenolic Mixtures”. I.P. Gerothanassis, V. Exarchou, A. Troganis, M. Tsimidou, D. Boskou, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions (J. Greve, G.J. Puppels and C. Otto, Eds.), pp. 585-586, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1999)
  23. “NMR Spectroscopic Methodologies for Investigating Porphyrin Ruffling in Hemoproteins and Model Compounds”. C.G. Kalodimos, I.P. Gerothanassis, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions (J. Greve, G.J. Puppels and C. Otto, Eds.), pp.167-68, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1999).
  24. “Thermodynamic Origin of Cis/Trans Isomers of N-substituted Amides and a Proline-Containing β-turn Model dipeptide in Aqueous Solution: A Variable Temperature Gradient Enhanced 1H‒NMR Study”. Z. Athanassiou, A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions (J. Greve, G.J. Puppels and C. Otto, Eds.), pp. 55-56, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1999).
  25. “ΝΜR Studies of the Active Site of Hemoproteins and Synthetic Model Compounds”. I.P. Gerothanassis, C.G. Kalodimos, in Bioactive Peptides inDrug Discovery and Design: Medical Aspects (J. Matsoukas and T. Mavromoustakas, Eds.), pp. 195-202, IOS Press, Amsterdam (1999).
  26. 17O NMR Studies of Electronic and Steric Interactions of Quinoxaline -2(1H), 3(4H)-dione Derivatives”. I.P. Gerothanassis, G. Varvounis, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends (P. Carmona, R. Navarro and A. Hernanz, Eds.), pp. 623-624, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands (1997).
  27. “On the Axial Ligand Orientation of Heme Proteins and Model Compounds”. C.G. Kalodimos, I.P. Gerothanassis, A. Troganis, M. Momenteau, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends (P. Carmona, R. Navarro and A. Hernanz, Eds.), pp. 77-78, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands (1997).
  28. 18O Isotope Effects on 13C Shieldings and 57Fe–13C Spin Couplings of the Fe–C–O Unit in Superstructured Hemoprotein Models”. C.G. Kalodimos, I.P. Gerothanassis, A. Troganis, M. Momenteau, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends (P. Carmona, R. Navarro and A. Hernanz, Eds.), pp. 75-76, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands (1997).
  29. “Multinuclear NMR Studies of Hemoproteins and Synthetic Model Compounds in Solution and in the Solid State”. I.P. Gerothanassis, C.G. Kalodimos , M. Momenteau, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends (P. Carmona, R. Navarro and A. Hernanz, Eds.), pp.63-66, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands (1997).
  30. “One Dimensional 13C–1H Nuclear Overhauser Effect Experiments in Elucidating Solute-Solvent Interactions of Cis/Trans Isomers of β-turn Model Peptides”. I.P. Gerothanassis, A. Troganis, C. Sakarellos, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends (P. Carmona, R. Navarro and A. Hernanz, Eds.), pp.47-48, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands (1997).
  31. “One- and Two- Dimensional 13C–1H Nuclear Overhauser Effect Experiments in Elucidating Solute-Solvent Interactions in Amides and Peptides: Methodology and Applications”. A. Troganis, I.P. Gerothanassis, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends (P. Carmona, R. Navarro and A. Hernanz, Eds.), pp.45-46, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands (1997).
  32. “Multinuclear NMR Studies of Hemoproteins and Synthetic Model Compounds in Solution and in the Solid State”. I.P. Gerothanassis, C.G. Kalodimos, M. Momenteau, Hellenic Forum on Bioactive Peptides, pp.151-160, Crete University Press (1997).
  33. “Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Calculations of Solvent Clusters of Trans-N-methylacetamide”. I.N. Demetropoulos, I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Vakka, C. Kakavas, in Molecular Properties and Chemistry of Biological Systems (N. Hatziliadis and M. Fasano, Eds.), pp. 37-42, Edizioni Dell’ Orso (1996).
  34. “Hydration of Cis and Trans N-Methyl Formamide as Revealed by the Use of 17O NMR and Molecular Mechanics Calculations”. I.P. Gerothanassis, I.N. Demetropoulos, C. Vakka, in Molecular Properties and Chemistry of Biological Systems (N. Hatziliadis and M. Fasano, Eds.), pp. 173-178, Edizioni Dell’ Orso (1996).
  35. “The Role of Water in the Deformation of the Peptide Unit and the Formation of a Chiral Center at the Amide Nitrogen. Ab Initio Studies of Amide-Water Clusters”. I.P. Gerothanassis, I.N. Demetropoulos, C. Vakka, in Molecular Properties and Chemistry of Biological Systems (N. Hatziliadis and M. Fasano, Eds.), pp. 167-172, Edizioni Dell’ Orso (1996).
  36. “A Solid State 31P NMR Study of the Binding of Zn(II) and Cd(II) to 2-(-Hydroxybenzyl) Thiamine Monophosphate”. I.P. Gerothanassis, K. Dodi, P.J. Barrie, N. Hadjiliadis, in Molecular Properties and Chemistry of Biological Systems (N. Hatziliadis and M. Fasano, Eds.), pp. 161-166, Edizioni Dell’ Orso (1996).
  37. 17O NMR of the Solvation State of Cis/Trans Isomers of Amides”. I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Vakka, A. Troganis, in Molecular Properties and Chemistry of Biological Systems (N. Hatziliadis and M. Fasano, Eds.), pp. 155-160, Edizioni Dell’ Orso (1996).
  38. “Observation of Large Hydrogen Bonding Effects on the 31P Shielding Tensor of a Cyclic Nucleotide and the NADPH”. I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Tsanaktsidis, in Molecular Properties and Chemistry of Biological Systems (N. Hatziliadis and M. Fasano, Eds.), pp. 149-153, Edizioni Dell’ Orso (1996).
  39. “Multinuclear and Multidimensional NMR of Individual Peptide and Protein Bound Water Molecules in Solution and Solid State: Methodology”. I.P. Gerothanassis, in Molecular Properties and Chemistry of Biological Systems (N. Hatziliadis and M. Fasano, Eds.), pp. 143-148, Edizioni Dell’ Orso (1996).
  40. 13C NMR Studies of Hemoproteins and Model Compounds in the Solid: Methodology and Applications”. I.P. Gerothanassis, P.J. Barrie, M. Momenteau, G.E. Hawkes, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (J.C. Merlin et al. eds), pp. 241-242, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordreht (1995).
  41. 31P NMR Studies of the Complex of NADPH and Methotrexate with Lactobacillus Casei Dihydrofolate Reductase in the Solid State – Comparisons with Studies in Solution”. I.P. Gerothanassis, P.J. Barrie, B. Birdsall, J. Feeney, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (J.C. Merlin et al. eds.), pp. 137-138, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordreht (1995).
  42. 31P NMR Studies of the Complex of NADPH and Methotrexate with Lactobacillus Casei Dihydrofolate Reductase in the Solid State – Comparisons with Studies in Solution”. I.P. Gerothanassis, P.J. Barrie, B. Birdsall, J. Feeney, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (J.C. Merlin et al. eds.), pp. 137-138, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordreht (1995).
  43. “Hydration State of Cis-Trans Peptide Oxygens of Protected Peptides as Revealed by the Use of 17Ο NMR”. I.P. Gerothanassis, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (J.C. Merlin et al. eds), pp.55-56, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordreht (1995).
  44. “Multinuclear and Multidimensional NMR of Specific Molecules of Water Bound to Amides, Peptides and Proteins in Solution and Solid States”. I.P. Gerothanassis, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (J.C. Merlin et al. eds), pp.53-54, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordreht (1995).
  45. “Solvation of Amides: Correlation of 17Ο NMR Chemical Shifts with ν(CO) Stretching Vibration”. I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Vakka, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (J.C. Merlin et al. eds.), pp. 51-52, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordreht (1995).
  46. “The Role of Water in the Deformation of the Amide Bond: Ab Initio Quantum Mechanics Studies”. I.N. Demetropoulos, I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Vakka, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (J.C. Merlin et al. eds.), pp. 45-46, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordreht (1995).
  47. “The First Solvation Sphere of N-methylformamide (NMF) in Water: MM2 (87) Force Field and Ab Initio Studies”. I.N. Demetropoulos, I.P. Gerothanassis, D.G. Papageorgiou, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (J.C. Merlin et al. eds), pp. 43-44, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordreht (1995).
  48. “Ab Initio Quantum Mechanics Studies of Amide-Water Clusters”. I.N. Demetropoulos, I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Vakka, in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (J.C. Merlin et al. eds.), pp.41-42, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordreht (1995).
  49. “Variable Field 14Ν NMR Relaxation Time Studies of Dodecyl Phosphorylcholine Aqueous Micellar Solutions: Conformational and Dynamic Properties”. I.P. Gerothanassis, E. Papamichael, C. Tsanaktzidis, in Fifth International Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (T. Theophanides, J. Anastassopoulou and N. Fotopoulos, Eds.), pp. 269-270, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1993).
  50. “On the Nature of C–H—O Interactions of Amides in Solution: An 17O NMR and FTIR Approach”. I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Efthimiou, M. Momenteau, C. Tsanaktzidis, in Fifth International Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (T. Theophanides, J. Anastassopoulou and N. Fotopoulos, Eds.), pp. 251-252, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1993).
  51. “Molecular Conformations, Hydrogen Bonding and Hydration State of N-acetyl-L-proline-N’-methylamide: An 17O and 13C NMR Approach”. I.P. Gerothanassis, J. Lauterwein, in Fifth International Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (T. Theophanides, J. Anastassopoulou and N. Fotopoulos, Eds.), pp. 249-250, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1993).
  52. 17O NMR Chemical Shift and Amide I Stretching Vibration as a Tool to Study Specific Hydration Sites of Amides and Peptides”. C. Vakka, I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Efthimiou, in Fifth International Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (T. Theophanides, J. Anastassopoulou and N. Fotopoulos, Eds.), pp. 247-248, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1993).
  53. 17O NMR and FTIR Studies of Haemoproteins and Synthetic Model Compounds in Solution and in the Solid State”. I.P. Gerothanassis, M. Momenteau, in Fifth International Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (T. Theophanides, J. Anastassopoulou and N. Fotopoulos, Eds.), pp. 213-216, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1993).
  54. “Fourier Transform IR and Multinuclear and Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopic Studies of Specific Peptide and Protein-Bound Water Molecules”. I.P. Gerothanassis, in Fifth International Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (T. Theophanides, J. Anastassopoulou and N. Fotopoulos, Eds.), pp. 209-212, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordreht (1993).
  55. “Does Hydration Contribute to the Minor Occurrence of cis-Peptide Units in Amides and Peptides? Evidence from 17O NMR Spectroscopy and Theoretical Calculations”. C. Vakka, I.P. Gerothanassis, I. Demetropoulos, in Fifth International Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (T. Theophanides, J. Anastassopoulou and N. Fotopoulos, Eds.), pp. 129-130, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1993).
  56. “Application of Multinuclear and Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopy to the Direct Study of Peptide- and Protein-Bound Water Molecules”. I.P. Gerothanassis, Peptides 1992, Proc. 22nd Eur. Pept. Symp. (C.H. Schneider and A.N. Eberle, Eds.), pp.951-952, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).
  57. 17O NMR Studies of Oxygenated Heamoproteins and Synthetic Model Compounds”. I.P. Gerothanassis, M. Momenteau, in Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine (J. Anastassopoulou, P. Collery, J.C. Etienne and T. Theophanides, Eds.), Vol.2, pp.14-19, John Libbey (1992).
  58. “Solvation State of Leu- enkephalin in Phospholipid Micellar Environment as Revealed by FTIR Studies”. N. Birlirakis, I.P. Gerothanassis, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, C. Sakarellos, B. Vitoux, M. Marraud, Peptides: Chemistry, Structure and Biology (J.E. Rivier and G.R. Marshall, Eds.), The Netherlands, ESCOM, Leiden, pp. 351-352 (1991).
  59. “FT-IR and Oxygen-17 NMR Studies of Peptide Hydration. The Case of N-acetylated Amino Acid Derivatives”. F. Tete, B. Vitoux, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, I.P. Gerothanassis, N. Birlirakis, T. Karayannis, C. Sakarellos, Peptides 1988, Proc. 20th Eur. Pept. Symp. (E. Bayer and G. Jung, Eds.), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp.531-533 (1989).
  60. 17Ο NMR and FT-IR Study of Hydration of Leu-enkephalin”. C. Sakarellos, I.P. Gerothanassis, N. Birlirakis, T. Karayannis, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, B. Vitoux, M. Marraud, Peptides 1988, 20th Eur. Pept. Symp. (E. Bayer and G. Jung, Eds), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp.489-500 (1989).
  61. “FT-IR Study of the Tyr Hydroxyl Vibrations in Leu-enkephalin in Aqueous Solution”. N. Birlirakis, I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Sakarellos, M. Marraud, Peptides 1988, 20th Eur. Pept. Symp. (E. Bayer and G. Jung, Eds.), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 504-506 (1989).
  62. “A Novel Combined Use of 17O and IR Fourier Transform Spectroscopies as a Tool to Study Side-Chain Conformation of Phenol and Tyrosine Derivatives”. N. Birlirakis, I.P. Gerothanassis, C. Sakarellos, M. Marraud, 2eme Forum Peptides, John Libbey, Vol.174, pp.439-442 (1989).
  63. “Oxygen-17 NMR Studies of Enkephalins in Aqueous and Organic Solutions”. C. Sakarellos, I.P. Gerothanassis, N. Birlirakis, T. Karayannis, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, M. Marraud, 2eme Forum Peptides (A. Aubry, M. Marraud and B. Vitoux), John Libbey, Vol. 174, pp.403-406 (1989).
  64. “Oxygen-17 NMR Studies of Enkephalins in Aqueous Solution”. I.P. Gerothanassis, T. Karayannis, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, C. Sakarellos, M. Marraud, Peptides 1986, Proc.19th Eur. Pept. Symp., pp. 299-302 (D. Theodoropoulos, ed.), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (1987).
  65. “Fourier Transform Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Determination of Optimal Parameters in the Gaussian-Exponential Resolution Enhancement Technique”. I.P. Gerothanassis, G. Braudakis, J. Lauterwein, in Methods and Applications of Measurement and Control, (S.G. Tzafestas and M.H. Hamza, Eds), Vol.1, pp.202-205 Acta Press, Canada (1984).


Hellenic Industrial Property Organization, Diploma of Patent: “Instrumental Device and Method for the Preparation, Identification and Biological Evaluation og]f Natural Products”, Greek Patent, No 1009100, September 2017.

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