Funding History
Research Programs
- “Establishment of a Platform for the Discovery of Novel Antimicrobial and Antidiabetic Agents from Natural Sources”, The Research and Innovation Foundation Programmes for Research, Technological Development and Innovation “RESTART 2016 – 2020”, Coordinator: Ass. Prof. V. Goulas (9-5-2023 to 9-2-2024).
- “Investigation of Interactions of Unsaturated Fatty Acids with Albumin and the Anti-Apoptotic Protein Bcl-2 with Emphasis in the Use of NMR Methodologies at a Cellular Level (in-cell NMR)”, 1st Announcement of ELIDEK Research Projects to Strengthen Faculty Members and Researchers and Supply High-value Research Equipment, Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis(June 2020-December 2023).
- “METROFOOD-RI Preparatory Phase Project”, ESFRI Roadmap 2018, Coordinator: Professor Claudia Zoani, Italy (December 2019-March 2022).
- “Bioinformatics Analysis of Large Volumes of Genomic Data of Patients with Brain Tumor and Development of Sophisticated Algorithms to Investigate Biomarkers and Predict the Probability of Cellular Mutations”, Operational program of Epirus «2014-2020», Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis (25-9-2018 to 24-9-2021).
- “Metabolomic Fingerprinting of Plant Extracts Using State-of-the-Art NMR Spectroscopy and Biological Activity Monitoring with in-cell NMR”, ESPA2014-2020, “Human Resource Development, Education and Lifelong Learning” Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis (1-4-2018 to 31-9-2019).
- “Bionian CLUSTER, Creation of innovative clusters – A Greek Product, One Market: The Planet”, ESPA 2007-2013. Collaborativeproject/subcontract, Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis (2013-2015).
- “Investigation of the Role of Iron in the Mechanisms of Intracellular Redox-Signaling through Oxidation of Cysteine Residues in Proteins”. Coordinator: Prof. D. Galanis, Research Program THALIS 1356, ESPA 2007-2013 (2013-2015).
- “Cleaning Wastewater Systems and Microalgae Biomass to Produce Biofuels and Biochemicals Third Generation High Value Products”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. H. Stamatis. Operational program Thessaly-Central Greece-Epirus 2007-2013 Research and Technological Development, Region of Epirus (2012-2014).
- “Authenticity and Originality of Milk (AUORMI)”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. C. Papachristoforou (Cyprus Univ. of Technology). Program financed by VIVARTIA. Scientific cooperation between Cyprus Univ. of Technology, UoI& VIVARTIA (2012).
- “Improvement of Lipid Fraction in Ovine Milk and Halloumi Cheese towards Healthier Local Products” Coordinator: Ass. Prof. C. Papachristoforou (Cyprus Univ. of Technology). Health and Biological Sciences. Action: Food Science & Biotechnology. Cooperation program founded by the Research Promotion Foundation (2012-2013).
- “Interaction of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins which are Implicated in Cancer with Compounds of Pharmaceutical Interest from Plant Extracts from Epirus”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. E. Briasoulis, Foundation Joseph Ester Gani (2011-2012).
- “High Sensitivity Cryo-NMR and LC-SPE-cryo-NMR Studies and Investigation of Anti-proliferation and Anti-angiogenesis Properties of Natural Products”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, HERACLETOS PhD Program, Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning & Religious Affairs (2010-2013).
- “ΝΜR Studies of the Composition in Terpenoids of Natural Extracts from Plants from the Region of Epirus”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, Foundation Joseph Ester Gani (2008-2009).
- “Creation of a Cross-Border Center which Supports the Means of Mass Communication for the Standardization, Commercialization and Certification of Traditional Products”. Coordinator: Prof. G. Pilidis, INTEREG III (2006-2008).
- “Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Peptide Analogues of MBP”. Coordinator: Prof. I. Matsoukas, PENED 2003, Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (2006-2008).
- “Development of Hyphenated Chromatographic and NMR Methodologies for the Investigation of Bioactive Compounds in Natural Products”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, PENED 2003, Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (2006-2008).
- “Improvement of Health with New Methods of Prevention and Diagnosis”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, Program Hermes, Week for Research and Technology, Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (2005).
- “Studies of Olive Oil Leafs: Physico-Chemical Studies and Antiproliferative Activity”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, PYTHAGORAS Postgraduate Program, Greek Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs (2004-2006).
- “The Renin – Angiotensin – Aldosterone System: The Molecular Basis of Hypertention by the Use of NMR and Theoretical Calculations”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, HERACLETOS PhD Program, Greek Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs (2002-2005).
- “Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Flavonoids in Complex Natural Extracts with the Use of Hyphenated NMR Techniques”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, Greece-Germany IKYDA 2002, Collaborative Research Grant (2002-2003).
- “Development of an Innovative Antidepressive Drug from Hypericum Perforatum of Epirus”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, PENED 2001, Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (2002-2005).
- “EPEAEK: Dept. of Biological Applications & Technologies”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, Greek Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs (1999-2004).
- “Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ΑCE) – The Role of Zn in the Catalytic Activities”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, PENED 99, Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (1999-2001).
- “Investigation of Phenolic Antioxidant Compounds and their Bioavailability in Food of Mediterranean Diet”. Coordinator: Prof. D. Boskou, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, EPET ΙΙ, Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (1999-2001).
- “Multinuclear (1H, 13C, 15N, 17O and 57Fe) Μagnetic Resonance Studies of Five-and Six- Coordinated Hemoproteins & Synthetic Model Compounds”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, Collaborative Program of Research and Technology (Greece-Italy), Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (1999-2001).
- “Peptide Mimetics, New Generation of Pharmaceutical Products. Pilot Production of Angiotensin Inhibitors – New Generation of Anti-Hypertensive Drugs”. Coordinator: Prof. I. Matsoukas, EKVAN 1999, Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (1999-2001).
- “NMR Studies of Individual Water Molecules Bound to Cis/Trans Amides and Neurohypophyseal Peptide Hormones”. Coordinator: Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, NATO Scientific Affairs Division, Collaborative Research Grants Program (New) (1997).
- “Multinuclear and Multidimensional NMR and Theoretical Studies of O2 and CO Carriers in Myoglobins, Hemoglobins, Cytochrome P-450 and Synthetic Analogues in Biomimetic Catalysis”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, PENED 1995, Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (1995-1996).
- “Synthesis and Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopic Studies in the Solid of Hemoproteins and Model Compounds of the Active Site of Hemoproteins”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, Collaborative Research and Technology Program (Greece-France), Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (1995).
- “Ab Initio and Heteronuclear 1H–15N Multiple Quantum Coherence NMR Studies of Amide-Water Clusters”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, NATO Scientific Affairs Division, Priority Area on High Technology (1995).
- “High Field NMR Investigation of the Chain-Breaking Antioxidant Capacity of Biological Fluids: The Influence of Synthetic Dietary Antioxidants”. Coordinator: Dr. G. Hawkes, EC Agriculture and Agro-industry including Fisheries, Directorate General VI, XII, XIV (1994-1996). Contributing Institutions: (i) Dept. of Chemistry, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London (Dr. G. Hawkes). (ii) London Hospital Medical College (Dr. M. Grootveld). (iii) Dipartimento di ChimicaInorganica, ChimicaFisica e ChimicadeiMateriali, Univ. of Torino, Italy (Prof. S. Aime).
- “IR, Multinuclear, Multiple Quantum and Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopic Studies of Individual Solvation Molecules of Water of Peptide Hormones and Comple-xes of DHFR-NADPH-Methobrexate”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, PENED 1991, Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (1994-1996).
- “Synthesis and Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopic Studies in the Solid Model Compounds of the Active Site of Hemoproteins”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, Collaborative Research Grant Greece-France, Ministry of Research and Development (1994).
- “Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Oxygen and CarbonmonoxideSupramo-lecular Carriers Related to Biological Systems”. Coordinator: Dr. M. Momenteau, NATO Scientific Affairs Division, Collaborative Research Grant-Supramolecular (1992-1994).
- “Synthesis and NMR Spectroscopic Studies of Model Compounds of the Active site of Hemoproteins”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, Research Grant Greece-France, Ministry of Research and Development (1992-1993).
- “Protein 1H Assignments of L.casei Dihydrofolate Reductase in the Absence of Ligands Using Isotopic Labeling and 2D/3D NMR Techniques. Identification and Localization of Individual Solvation Water Molecules on DHFR-Ligand Complexes Using Isotopic Labeling and 2D/3D NMR Techniques”. Coordinator: Dr. J. Feeney, Welcome Trust, U.K. (1991).
- “Synthesis and NMR Spectroscopic Studies of: (i) Heterocyclic Compounds with Antiglaucomatic and Antispasmic Pharmacological Action. (ii) Model Compounds of the Active Site of Cytochrome P-450 and Myoglobin”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, Research Committee of the UoI (1990-1992).
- “Protein 1H Assignments for L.cacei Dihydrofolate Reductase Using Isotopic Labeling and 2D/3D NMR Techniques”. Coordinator: Dr. J.Feeney, Welcome Trust, UK (1989).
- “Conformational Studies of Enkephalin Analogues in Biological Membranes – Spectroscopic Studies of Oxygen Carriers”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, Research Committee of the UoI (1989-1991).
- “17O NMR Spectroscopy of Synthetic O2 and CO Carriers Related to Biological Systems”. Coordinator: Dr. M. Momenteau, NATO Scientific Affairs Division, Collaborative Research Grant (1989-1992).
- “17O NMR Spectroscopy as a Tool for Studying Synthetic Oxygen Carriers Related to Biological Systems”. Coordinator: Ass. Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis, Commission of the European Communities, Stimulation Action, Visite de Courte Duree (1988). Contributing Institutions: (i) Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, UoI, (ii) Institut Curie, Section de Biologie, Orsay, France.
- “Synthèse et Etude Spectroscopique de Peptides Bioactifs: Hormonaux, Polypeptides, Substrats et Inhibiteurs des Enzymes Protéolytiques”. Coordinator: Prof. C. Sakarellos, Commission des CommunautésEuropéennes, Direction General, Science, Recherche et Développement, Direction A “Action de Stimulation” Bruxelles (1985-1988). Contributing Institutions: (i) Section of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, UoI (Prof. C. Sakarellos). (ii) Section of Physical Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, UoI (Ass. Prof. I.P. Gerothanassis). (iii) Laboratoire de Peptides, Service de Biochimie, Département de Biologie, Saclay (Dr. S. Fermandjian). (iv) Laboratoire de Chimie-Physique Macromoléculaire, Nancy (Dr. M. Marraud). (v) Laboratoire de Minéralogie et Cristallographie, Université de Nancy (Dr. A. Aubry).
- “Synthèse et Etude Spectroscopique de Peptides Hormonaux”. Coordinator: Prof. C. Sakarellos, Collaborative Research Grant Greece-France, Ministry of Research and Development (1985-1987).
- “Studies of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Oxygen-17 and Election Spin (ESR)”. Coordinator: Dr. I.P. Gerothanassis, Research Committee of the UoI (1985-1987).
Research Infrastructure
Excellent research requires world-leading facilities which are becoming increasingly expensive and sophisticated. As a Rector of the UoI I have applied centrally several well documented specific research infrastructure projects and played a major role in the formulation and implementation of the research strategy policy of the Greek National Research Foundation in the Region of Epirus. As result, very significant support for research infrastructure was award to the University of Ioannina with over 8,000,000 € during my Rectorship in the period 2006-2010.
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