- Master Degree. Title: Natural Abundance Oxygen-17 Fourier Transform NMR Studies, pp.1-196 (1978), School of Chemical Sciences, Univ. of East Anglia, England.
- PhD Thesis. Title: Studies of 17O NMR Spectroscopy, pp. 1-259 (1980), School of Chemical Sciences, Univ. of East Anglia, England.
- Bioorganic Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, NMR Spectroscopy, Structural Biology, Food Chemistry.
- October 2019-present: Overseas Guest Expert of the National Center of International Research on Food Authenticity Technology (NCIRFAT), Beijing, China.
- June 2015-present: Adjunct Professor of International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi, Pakistan (UNESCO Research Center of Excellence).
- DSc, Univ. of East Anglia, 2011.
- Medal of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, 2009.
- Honorary Research Fellow, QMW College, England, 1996
- October 2018: Grant from the Greek Ministry of Education (University of Opole, Poland).
- September 2011: Grant from the Greek Ministry of Education and DAAD (University of Leipzig, Germany).
- Summer 1999, 2000, 2001: Collaborative Greece-Italy Program and NATO Grant, University of Florence, Italy.
- Summer 1995, 1996: EEC Grant, QMW College, London, England.
- Summer 1992, 1993, 1994: NATO Collaborative Grant, Institute Curie, Section de Biologie, Orsay, France.
- November 1990-April 1991: Welcome Trust Fellowship (National Institute of Medical Research, London, England).
- July 1990-August 1990: FEBS Short Term Fellowship (Max Planck Institute, Mülheim, a.d. Ruhr, Germany.
- July 1989-September 1989: DAAD Short Term Fellowship (Max Planck Institute, Mülheim, a.d. Ruhr, Germany).
- July 1988-August 1988: EMBO Short Term Fellowship (CNRS, Nancy, France).
- June 1988: EEC Short Term Fellowship (Inst. Curie, Orsay, France).
- June 1987-September 1987: FEBS Short Term Fellowship (CNRS, Nancy, France).
- June 1986-August 1986: EMBO Short Term Fellowship (CNRS, Nancy, France).
- July 1985-September 1985: EMBO Short Term Fellowship (CNRS, Nancy, France).
- June 1984-August 1984: EMBO Short Term Fellowship (University of Lausanne, Switzerland).
- September 1980-June 1981: Research Postdoctorate Fellowship, Swiss Scientific Research Council (University of Lausanne, Switzerland).
- July 1980-September 1980: NATO Research Fellowship (University of East Anglia, England).
- March 1979: Price for the best MSc thesis submitted in Chemical Spectroscopy in the School of Chemical Sciences, University of East Anglia, England.
- September 1977-July 1980: Greek Scholarship Foundation (University of East Anglia, England).
- Academic Administration
- Chairman of the Greek Rectors Conference 2010.
- Rector of the University of Ioannina (UoI): 2006-2010.
- Vice Rector of the UoI: 2003-2006.
- Chairman of the Dept. of Architecture Engineering, UoI: 2009-2010.
- Chairman of the Dept. of Plastic Arts and Art Sciences, UoI: 2007-2010.
- Chairman of the Dept. of Biological Applications & Technologies, UoI: 2004-2005.
- Chairman of the Dept. of Chemistry, UoI: 2000-2002 and 2002-2004.
- Vice Chairman of the Dept. of Chemistry, UoI: 1999-2000.
- Chairman of the Section of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, UoI: 1997-1998, 1998-1999 and 1999-2000.
Administration in Quality Assurance in Higher Education
- Vice Chairman of HQAA 2014 – August 2019.
- Member of the “National Committee of the Referencing process of the Hellenic National Qualifications Framework (HNQF) to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)” 2013-2014.
- Member of the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (HQAA) 2010-2014 ( in the area of Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Material Science and Engineering, Computer Sciences and Environmental Sciences).
- NationalCommittees
- Chairman of the Committee of «Nanotechnology» in the frame of National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF, 2007-2013) of the Greek General Secretariat for Research & Technology: 2008-2009.
- Chairman of the Committee of National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF, 2007-2013) of the Greek Rectors Conference: 2007-2010.
- Chairman of the Committee of Physics-Chemistry-Materials of the Greek General Secretariat for Research & Technology: 2008-2009.
- Chairman of the Greek Supreme Chemistry Council: 2005 –2009.
- Member of the Greek National Committee for the “Institutional Framework for Research and Technology”, General Secretariat of Research & Technology, 2009.
- Member of the Greek National Plenary Council for Research & Technology: 2008-2009.
- Member of the Committee of the Greek Rectors Conference for the evaluation of the new Law for Research and Development, Greece, 2007.
- Chairman of the Committee for the application for the foundation of the Center for Research and Technology of Epirus, 2008.
- Coordination Committee of the Greek National Postdoctorate Program “PYTHAGORAS”, Greek Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs, 2005.
- Member of the evaluation Committee of the Greek National Postdoctorate Program “PYTHAGORAS”, Greek Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs, 2004.
- Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Greek National PhD Research Program “HERACLETOS” of the Greek Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs, 2003.
- Chairman of the Committee of the Core Research Centers and Laboratories of the UoI: 1999-2010.
- Chairman of the Committee of the Strategic Plan of the UoI: 1999, 2002, 2007 and 2008.
- Chairman of the NMR Center of the UoI, 1999-2019.
- Member of the Evaluation Committee of Postgraduate Programs, Greek Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs, 1995.
- International Committees
- National Representative of Greece in the European Community for “Site Issue Working Groups” (2009).
- National Representative of Greece in the Marie Curie Actions, European Communities, 2005-2006.
- Reviewer of the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General for Science, Research and Development.
- Reviewer of more than thirty (30) international journals, a representative list of which is provided below: Analytica Chimica Acta, Chemical Biology, Chemical Physics Letters, European Journal of Biochemistry, FEBS Letters, Food Chemistry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Chemical Education, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Inorganic Chemistry, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Phytochemistry, etc.
- Member of Editorial Advisory Board of the Journals:
- “Molecules”, Section of Natural Product Chemistry.
- “The Open Natural Products Journal”, Bentham Open, ISSN 1874-8481.
- “International Journal of Green Pharmacy” Med Know.
- “ISRN Spectroscopy”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
- “European Journal of Biophysics”, Science Publishing Group.
- Educational Books
- “Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds” (in Greek), I.P. Gerothanassis, Greek Open University, pp. 1-122 (2000).
- “Organic Chemistry”, vol 1-3, Morrison and Boyd, translation into Greek, three volumes with a total of 2000 printed pages, instructional material for basic and advanced courses in Organic Chemistry.
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (in Greek), p.p. 1-382, Symmetry 2018.
- Research Books
- “Natural Antioxidant Phenols. Sources, Structure, Structure – Activity Relationship, Current Trends in Analysis and Characterization”. D. Boskou, I.P. Gerothanassis& P. Kefalas (Eds), Research Signpost: Kerala, India, 2006.
- Member of the International Scientific Committee of the 14th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan (2016).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee of the 9th European Magnetic Resonance Conference, EUROMAR 2013, Crete, Greece (2013).
- Member of the National Organization Committee of “The Athens Dialogues”, International Conference on Culture and Civilization, Athens (2010).
- Organization and welcome address of the ASEA UNINET National Coordinator Meeting, UoI, June (2009).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee of the Sixth International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern European Countries, Bulgaria, September (2008).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee of Joint Greek-Italian Meeting on Chemistry of Biological Systems, Torino, Italy (1996).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee of NATO Advanced Study Institute on NMR of Biological Macromolecules – Proteins, Nucleic Acids, Polysaccharides, Crete, August (1993).
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